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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Wednesday, 6 August 2003

Wad a day.. today fell asleep during class..can't blame me cuz yest went back home late, so slept late.. And then the lesson is SOO... on History of Christianity...HISTORY!! which add on to my boringness and i head straight down to Wonderland..zzZZz haa..Hopefully tmr i'l be concentrating!

Well.. I had a great time with my Zoob Club member on Monday.. Realli fun and all.. well next wk we'l be planning another club outing to bid farewell to our fellow club member whose going NS soon.. gonna be fun!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 6:26 PM JST
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Monday, 4 August 2003

Yest was a very meaningful fellowship for me.. went to a few places took loads of pics and video all thanks to our camera man CARTER!

Also met up my new cgl and a few member too.. still trying to adapt.. -_-'' going to get ready meeting my club members out! Finally our first outing with the club.. hee..
More information bout the club pls refer to the links beside "Zoob"

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:51 AM JST
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Sunday, 3 August 2003
Today's my last Cg meeting with W158.. Cg today move in a very supernatural way.. which my leader wanna leave inside my heart even thou i'm out but will always remember W158 is special to me..and it is very special to me.. quite a emotional one for me at the end of e meeting when i shared how i felt..

No doubt i'm turning to a new page of my life story but e previous page they will be written down and make a difference in my life.. Now i'm into a new season, new people, new enviroment, new ground to conquer! I'm going to move in faith and trust in God to lead me thru...

& Thanks for my frenZ concern and encouragement..QQ

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:36 AM JST
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Friday, 1 August 2003
.. .. .. "Deep iN ThoughtS" .. .. ..
A couple of things happened:

Didn't got a chance to give PSt Mike a goodbye hug.. *sob* aww.. he jus left so quickly everyone is surrounding him..can't squeeze thru the crowd.. so sad..

Received a very serious sms from my CGL, called her and heard of a news which i was taken a back by it.. i would say Shocked, Sad, Speechless.. Hmm.. i'l share more when everything is being finalise..

Now i must begin to really think thru which path should i go from now between Ministry and Cell Group

Holy SPirit Lead me as i Seek You..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:08 PM JST
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Thursday, 31 July 2003
Finally i got a hug from Pst Mike and he even kiss me on my cheek! Felt so loved! His wife is jus as loving as he is. She prayed for me while hugging me.. jus like a mum...

I've got one silliest fren mentioned tat she got a headache after being set free and prayed for.. then she comes up with tis logic "mebbe the demons left but left the shoes behind" tat is so....DUH!! left me speechless... LOL

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 5:38 PM JST
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Wednesday, 30 July 2003
I'm Free!!
Today finally got prayed! Not by Pst Mike but by Pst Zhuang instead, nvm anywae who pray also it for the benefits of set free from generation curse of Idolatry, Spiritism, Spirit of Fear! Wow.. COngrats myself!! Tmr going to "chong" towards Pst Mike to hug him after class heh heh! Today was trying to find a chance but too many ppl follow him liao like bodyguard..-_-" Aww..i'm gonna miss him when he's back to NZ..

Now i'm still trying to recover from my sore throat but it jus seems to get worst.. today i've lost 60% of my oh my! Any Kind Soul out there? Boil me some herbal tea! haa.. *Fat Hope*

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:26 PM JST
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Tuesday, 29 July 2003

Arrgh!! I'm losing my voice! Can't hardly talk without straining my vocal cords..haven recover from my sickness yet, still coughing as badly as before -_-" i only had myself to blame since i still eat chocolates!!

Well today class was good Pst Mike's teaching, super anointed man! Can feel D anointing the moment he steps up on the stage.. Din't get to pray by him but tmr i'l try to rush to him hee...

After sch fellowship with some of my SOT mates quite fun thou.. and met my "bui bui club member" haa..

And also met up with my leader for dinner talk bout some serious stuff.. fellowship and discipleship together..reali enjoy it! *_*

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:30 PM JST
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Sunday, 27 July 2003
Dear Diary
-Contents Not Disclose-

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 6:50 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 6 August 2003 6:04 PM JST
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Saturday, 26 July 2003

Yesterday nite was awesome! I reach church around 1045pm, met some frenz talk abit here and there.. at 12 we were asked to go down to B4. There's quite a few of my "1ST time" in church! 1St time attending a OVernight Prayer Meeting, 1St time sleeping in the Main Auditiorum, 1St time staying so late in church..hee..

During the prayer meeting, we watch Pst KOng @ Pst Ulf's church having conference. So we Pray at e same time praying for him. Still pray for quite a lot of stuff. Don't feel tired at all infact quite refreshed by the feeling of praying so late... eh i mean so EARLY! ^_* everything ends around 410am, took church bus back, reach home at 5am..

Keke gotta get ready for CGM later liao.. take cAreZ

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:46 PM JST
Updated: Saturday, 26 July 2003 2:03 PM JST
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Friday, 25 July 2003

Jus in time to end off my day with this little diary.. well today nothing much, went down to church office for BS with PSt Zhuang.. but on journey down i've got this terrible pain tat i wanted to cry..-_-" After my class i went marketing with this ger call janice from the same Bs to know her betta, and today know another new fren in Bs class too..hee..coolcool..

I've jus upload lots of new pic go check them out!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:03 AM JST
Updated: Friday, 25 July 2003 1:54 AM JST
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