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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Friday, 15 August 2003

We got our title deed! This Sunday svc gonna be great so many good news!! Wow come to think of it i'm so exited!

Thank God for His strength that i'm able to finish my assignment! Manage to submit today..well another one to go next tue due.. I CAN DO IT!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:11 PM JST
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003
Haven been updating my blog, well been realli busy ever since i got transfered cg.. time of building up frenship and knowing them betta.

Jus got back home from Book Of Zechariah... haiz thot tmr lesson will be cancelled..but but..expect too much liao! only delay class for 1 hour only so will start at 10am.. SOO exhausted now..Arrgh still got chiong my book review which is due tis coming fri..and i only done 4 chapters.. 22 more to go!

Heh heh today bought "Hope" album liao.. wanted to listen in church but something wrong with my Discman! Arrgh x2!!

well going to sleep liao.. take care folks!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:34 AM JST
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Monday, 11 August 2003

"when the ocean's rise and thunder's roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are the King over the flood
I will be still know You are God"

What a beautiful song! Above all things, choose to follow God and everything is in control..

Had a fruitful time talking to my CGl & was very encouraged by her. Learn quite a couple of things from her too..

Hmm..tmr going to replace my IC..FINALLY! & i'm gonna buy the "HOPE" album so nice!

Thus says the government
-stop downloading music from the internet- ^o^

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:25 AM JST
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Saturday, 9 August 2003
StePpinG OuT iN FaiTH
Hmm..our walk with God is never EASY! Along the way there will be stones, pebbles or even rocks but we gotta keep on walking and lift up our legs to cross over the hurdles..

Now i'm about to cross over a Rock in my life..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:30 AM JST
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Thursday, 7 August 2003

Heh Heh.. today i didn't felt asleep! But neither did i listen attentively in class. Hmm.. did my re-exam for my "going on to perfection" but i rushed thru it and finished it in 45 mins for 140 Mcq, which was like half of the time given.. cuz gotta rush down for BS ma..

But honestly i've hasn't been feeling too good since last fri.. the feeling jus grew stronger and the wk is drawin close to wkends.. i'm very nervous and stress bout the new Cg.. Arrgh.. hated this feeling...HELP!!!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 9:45 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, 7 August 2003 10:58 PM JST
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Wednesday, 6 August 2003

Wad a day.. today fell asleep during class..can't blame me cuz yest went back home late, so slept late.. And then the lesson is SOO... on History of Christianity...HISTORY!! which add on to my boringness and i head straight down to Wonderland..zzZZz haa..Hopefully tmr i'l be concentrating!

Well.. I had a great time with my Zoob Club member on Monday.. Realli fun and all.. well next wk we'l be planning another club outing to bid farewell to our fellow club member whose going NS soon.. gonna be fun!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 6:26 PM JST
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Monday, 4 August 2003

Yest was a very meaningful fellowship for me.. went to a few places took loads of pics and video all thanks to our camera man CARTER!

Also met up my new cgl and a few member too.. still trying to adapt.. -_-'' going to get ready meeting my club members out! Finally our first outing with the club.. hee..
More information bout the club pls refer to the links beside "Zoob"

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:51 AM JST
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Sunday, 3 August 2003
Today's my last Cg meeting with W158.. Cg today move in a very supernatural way.. which my leader wanna leave inside my heart even thou i'm out but will always remember W158 is special to me..and it is very special to me.. quite a emotional one for me at the end of e meeting when i shared how i felt..

No doubt i'm turning to a new page of my life story but e previous page they will be written down and make a difference in my life.. Now i'm into a new season, new people, new enviroment, new ground to conquer! I'm going to move in faith and trust in God to lead me thru...

& Thanks for my frenZ concern and encouragement..QQ

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:36 AM JST
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Friday, 1 August 2003
.. .. .. "Deep iN ThoughtS" .. .. ..
A couple of things happened:

Didn't got a chance to give PSt Mike a goodbye hug.. *sob* aww.. he jus left so quickly everyone is surrounding him..can't squeeze thru the crowd.. so sad..

Received a very serious sms from my CGL, called her and heard of a news which i was taken a back by it.. i would say Shocked, Sad, Speechless.. Hmm.. i'l share more when everything is being finalise..

Now i must begin to really think thru which path should i go from now between Ministry and Cell Group

Holy SPirit Lead me as i Seek You..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:08 PM JST
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Thursday, 31 July 2003
Finally i got a hug from Pst Mike and he even kiss me on my cheek! Felt so loved! His wife is jus as loving as he is. She prayed for me while hugging me.. jus like a mum...

I've got one silliest fren mentioned tat she got a headache after being set free and prayed for.. then she comes up with tis logic "mebbe the demons left but left the shoes behind" tat is so....DUH!! left me speechless... LOL

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 5:38 PM JST
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