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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Saturday, 14 February 2004
wow~ itz been lonG i've last entered a formal update of myself.. things has been going more than well.. enjoying life.. loads of things happened.. good and goody and goodest things happened.. haa..
In studies, ministry, relationships, personally..

oh hAppiE vaLEntiNe's dAy to aLL!
so happy!! received quite a couple of things already ler.. got a big prezzie from my kIng bEn! haa.. and also got a rose from CG broS! cOOl man!

& im goIng to e bEach tmR!! yAy!!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:02 AM WST
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Saturday, 31 January 2004

Reputation is what you are supposed to be.
Character is what you are.
Reputation is a photograph.
Character is your face.
Reputation is what you have when you come to a new place.
Character is what you have when you go away.
Reputation is learned in an hours.
Character does not come to light for years.
Reputation is made in a moment.
Character is build in a lifetime.
Reputation grows like a mushroom.
Character grows like an oak.
Reputation is made from a single newspaper report.
Character is build from a life of toil.
Reputation makes you rich or poor.
Character makes you happy or miserable.
Reputation is what men say about you on your tombstone.
Character is what the angels say about you around the throne of God.

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:20 PM WST
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Wednesday, 21 January 2004
hApPiE ChINEse NEw yEAr!!
hasn't have e time to update tis blog~ guess i was jus lazy~ everything's fine, good, enjoyable, fun & alright!

aM excited for tmr~ yay! (0''0)

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 9:26 PM WST
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Tuesday, 13 January 2004
neW liFe~
wEll school is not as bad as i thot it would be~
i begin to quite enjoy classes.. teachers r fun, clasmates r cool and i mean it~ all kinds of people.. skatergurl to punk..a couple of eurasians..too bad not from my town..

my timetable rite now is almost like packed~ tiring thou to study e wholeday.. 1st day was much much siong... came back home late on sunday becuz of e appreciation dinner wit pst.. itz real cool man! am previllege to be able to go.. itz at Ritz Carlton!! loads of ministries people.. from usher all e way to CGL~ so cool! jus like business breakthru dinner..

Here i am~ another late nitez.. came back not long ago from ZM.. going to sleep soon.. yay tmr classes ends at 1pm! finally!! im able to see e sun again!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:06 PM WST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 January 2004 11:08 PM WST
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Sunday, 11 January 2004

back from an awesome concert!! woo hoo~ lovve e dance man! rite now my ears are jus hearing things..(er..dats wad ears are for huh?!) wad i meant was dat deres tis irritating noise.. buzzing in my ears.. arrgh..

haiZ.. as e weekends draw closer.. e more sad i feel.. schools starting~ man~ i jus can't break dat cycle.. eva since pri sch.. when u'l jus wish dat mon will not come.. haa... yea.. me still quite in dat mood.. but not in sot.. cuz deres no sch on monday mah..

haiz.. jus enjoy wads left for me.. tmr gonna wake up reel early for svc.. yeah.. excited for it!


Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:41 AM WST
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Friday, 9 January 2004

got back yesterday from a 4 days 3 nites retreat to SAF Changi Chalet.. was fun.. scary.. didn't know itz so near to e old changi hospital.. gosh.. trust me itz creepy! jus a 200m walk and TA DA ya dere~
jus a few banch of people from sot.. a reunion.. wad we did dere was eating, sleeping, watching, eating and sleeping... not much of event..

hmm.. counting down to sch.. yes! i'm back to books again.. haiz.. tot i'l be able to take my O's instead i'm only offered N.. haiz.. gotta retake N again.. cuz of all e syllbus change dats y.. hmp!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:45 PM WST
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Saturday, 3 January 2004

wOO~ jus came back from my morning jog.. itz great to jog in e morning where itz still dark, air is fresh, birds chirping, most importantly people are still sleeping.. haa.. am resting now.. *obviously* hur hur .. catching more oxygen now~ guess i muz bring an inhaler wid me e next time.. feels terrible when out of breath~ -_-''

goNna go back to rest den ready to go PARTY! haa.. not actually.. shopping i would say~ *chEErZ*

oH yeah peeps! look to e left panel, under FUNLINKS where it says MY TEST.. found it? click on it and it'l bring u to do a test set by me regarding how well u noe about me! heh heh.. enjoy doing it! whahaha~

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 7:39 AM WST
Updated: Saturday, 3 January 2004 8:48 AM WST
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Friday, 2 January 2004
hAPpIE 2004~
wow~ itz awesome another year of challenges~ breakthru's~ exploring~

Spent e last moment of 2003 in a short prayer in my heart~ jus thanking God dat He bring me thru another year and all dat HE done~

Spend e first moment watching fireworks! kinda like first time in my whole life i've seen fireworks in dat manner.. was at 1 fullerton wid my goody pal, loads of people but thank God we manage to find a place to settle down and got a nice view~ e fireworks lasted for about 10 mins, and i noe i spent my first 10 mins smiling away, looking at e sky and kept saying "wow" haa..

deN we proceed to PS to join our another group of frenz~ but it was a horrific journey dere.. .. nothing but horrible~ man.. i was so horrified by those "blackies" i mean cuz they've got touchy hands.. speaks from own experience.. dun get me wrong im not e victim but i've seen it wid my own eyes.. but thank God for my goody pal.. he's been very protective and all.. @_@ of cuz not mentioning all those spray e silly pranksters did! haa..

to cut it short.. event of dat day:

11.15am - 12.45pm CHEC
1.40pm - 8pm CG thanksgiving
8.40pm - 9pm Bedok mrt
lost track of time City Hall
stil have no idea of time Esplanade
10.30pm - 12.20am 1 fullerton
1am - 3am Plaza Singapura
330am - 6.30am Esplanade
6.45am HOME!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:48 AM WST
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Tuesday, 30 December 2003
thaNks PeEps
heY guYs! juS waNna say a BIG THANK U! i noe some of u read my blog regarding my xmas~ soRRy if i got any of u worried but am alright now~ things are resolved, settled my emotions, decisions made~

dEAr STAR! if ya reading tis LOVE YA! i noe i've got u worried big time huh? hee.. itz another passing phase~ am encouraged by ur sms's~

& lEWiS i noe u msg me probably becuz u read e blog as well~ hee.. thANks loAdies too! aM touChed by ur act~

leSSons learned - even e most cheerful and joyful people around will have down time as well - Zac

hMM.. kinda jus in time to saY a BIG BIG THANK U since itz thanksgiving tmr~ chEERs..

Often the thing that's really bothering us is not the thing
people see. It's an inner thing.

An inner thing that we often can't speak.

A thing of the heart and soul.

For those kinds of things maybe you need to get in a quiet place
where you can talk to someone that does understand.

Often things of the inner spirit require a greater divine spirit
to heal.

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 9:27 PM WST
Updated: Tuesday, 30 December 2003 9:40 PM WST
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Thursday, 25 December 2003
wHerE's thE jOy oF ChriStmAS?
okIe iTz real memorable.. i spend my first moment of christmas standing at e junction waiting to cross e ever seeming long and dark road~ with face not looking dat merry.. and x'mas tis year is not e same again~ i tried to forget but it affected me so much dat i held back~ not becuz im bitter or wad... but itz e frenship dat makes my heart feel so weak dat im tired..

I blame no one for tis turn out.. everything can go wrong but it e matter of perspective.. and im not handling well

i guess im expecting a lot from tis dear fren of mine and putting him under a unknowningly stress?

or probably my fren is rite? dat i gotta give and take? hmmm.. didn't i give and take? or is it dat im giving him stress? or am i hard to please? or is it dat he's going thru so much pressure in his training and i didn't noe?

why are u always trying to be person dat please almost everybody?? and bottom everything to yourself? at d end of e day u are e one struggling so much and yet nobody knows it.. i noe i noe u wan people around u to be happy but can u pleased everyone at e same time? for once can u spare a thot for urself?

3:30pm now~ and why am i staring into e monitor? whereby i should be ouT theRe rejoicing.. so many things going thru my mind now.. i feel like giving up.. i should be with my CG now.. can i give up now? will my decision stumble others? will those people who hope so much in me be disappointed? Most of all is God happy about it? I noe God treasure Free-will more than anything.. but am i taking it for granted?

itz almost e same season last year where i struggle so much with decisions.....
I dun wan to fall into another depression like i did last year~ it took me so long to get out of it.. i'm afriad im going into one again.. probably itz e transistion dat im not handling well.. GOD I NEED UR HELP!!!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:37 PM WST
Updated: Thursday, 25 December 2003 3:44 PM WST
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