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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Saturday, 6 March 2004

I'l jus make a brief unpdate bout my whole wk..

Overall everythings fine and as usual.. routine.. wanting to find something fresh in life now.. been doing e same old stuff over and over again.. feeling tired of it.. needed something new to brighten my wk..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:37 AM WST
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Sunday, 29 February 2004

wow~ am blessed by e msg Pst Kong preached about today..

Before we were, He was.
Before we sinned, He was salvation.
Before we felt guilt, He had forgiveness.
Before we found Him, He loved us.
Before we lived, He died.

Hmm.. anywaez my DEAREST BEST FWEN!!! i noe ya looking at it!!! here to give u assurance I LOVE YA TOO!! more than any of my frenz eh? besides my goody frenz ya above them okie! U and Sisty~ thou i may not see u guys often but u'l noe e bond is unbreakable! as strong as eva! PROMISE! ~_~

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 6:59 PM WST
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Had a long yet fruitful day~ spend quite some time with a fren which i usually missed out in fellowship.. heh heh okie at least i make up to him.. went around town jus to look for a suitable bag for his gal.. tiring thou but e companies was fun :>

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:16 AM WST
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Tuesday, 24 February 2004
gosh~ i've learnt my lesson! betta remember my own password and a hard time retrieving my password!! lost loads of stuff.. or i would say almost EVERYTHING! gosh! sily virus.. these people dat came up with all these are jus plain PATHETIC!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:48 PM WST
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Wednesday, 18 February 2004

!!i miSsed it!! e first night of the conference of e year! haiz.. was too drowy to stay awake coz of e medication~ -_-"

anYwae i'm gonna make my way down for e second nite! feelin tired thou~ and e conference gonna end very late.. wads more tmr lesson is SOOOOOOO long~

oH dEAR!!!!! gosh! i still got homework!!!!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 3:39 PM WST
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Sunday, 15 February 2004
jus happened to look thru bobbly's webby~ haa.. thanks for ur compliment~ (dunno whether itz a sarcastitical comment or wad?!?)

hasn't been updating means hasn't been thinking much~ recently bump into a couple of old skool frenz.. everyone seems to be living a very different life~ some good some bad.. and it makes me wonder sometime too~ if if i were to live the kind of life they are living rite now.. i wouldn't imagin how it will be like.. things are so different

of cuz has been thinking of all my "so called" good sisters back in sec sch.. contacts has been lost, no longer in touched with each others life.. realised i've got so many frenz.. good and bad ones there are.. but none are here to stay..
wonder how are they now?
and of cuz people dat i've hurt in the past.. hopefully i'm forgiven by them.. i do feel bad sometimes.. worst still.. to bump into them..
well~ gotta admit.. i'm naive and gulible~ thinkin all relationship wil have e Fairytale ending..haa.. come to think of it.. itz so silly~

well.. rite now i got a betta future, of cuz betta frenz.. frenz dat will not leave me when i needed them.. (speakin from experience) some are there to stand with me when im down and out.. itz realy frenZ dat God have Blessed..

Hmm.. like wad e bible says "choose ur frenz wisely" and guess wad? i found them! heE.. they are all so dear to my Heart! eaCh of them have a uniquely different place in my life..
faIth -> someone who is so so so special to me
jUan -> someone who noes me thru~ and see me thru
bEn -> someone who listen to all my troubles & cries
BoBblY -> someone who is so sweet to me
aLL are my dEarieS! it definately briNg a smIle to my face when i think of them.. (=_+) i'm totally living a brand new life~ a life full of destiny~ and Hope!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:13 PM WST
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Saturday, 14 February 2004
wow~ itz been lonG i've last entered a formal update of myself.. things has been going more than well.. enjoying life.. loads of things happened.. good and goody and goodest things happened.. haa..
In studies, ministry, relationships, personally..

oh hAppiE vaLEntiNe's dAy to aLL!
so happy!! received quite a couple of things already ler.. got a big prezzie from my kIng bEn! haa.. and also got a rose from CG broS! cOOl man!

& im goIng to e bEach tmR!! yAy!!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:02 AM WST
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Saturday, 31 January 2004

Reputation is what you are supposed to be.
Character is what you are.
Reputation is a photograph.
Character is your face.
Reputation is what you have when you come to a new place.
Character is what you have when you go away.
Reputation is learned in an hours.
Character does not come to light for years.
Reputation is made in a moment.
Character is build in a lifetime.
Reputation grows like a mushroom.
Character grows like an oak.
Reputation is made from a single newspaper report.
Character is build from a life of toil.
Reputation makes you rich or poor.
Character makes you happy or miserable.
Reputation is what men say about you on your tombstone.
Character is what the angels say about you around the throne of God.

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:20 PM WST
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Wednesday, 21 January 2004
hApPiE ChINEse NEw yEAr!!
hasn't have e time to update tis blog~ guess i was jus lazy~ everything's fine, good, enjoyable, fun & alright!

aM excited for tmr~ yay! (0''0)

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 9:26 PM WST
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Tuesday, 13 January 2004
neW liFe~
wEll school is not as bad as i thot it would be~
i begin to quite enjoy classes.. teachers r fun, clasmates r cool and i mean it~ all kinds of people.. skatergurl to punk..a couple of eurasians..too bad not from my town..

my timetable rite now is almost like packed~ tiring thou to study e wholeday.. 1st day was much much siong... came back home late on sunday becuz of e appreciation dinner wit pst.. itz real cool man! am previllege to be able to go.. itz at Ritz Carlton!! loads of ministries people.. from usher all e way to CGL~ so cool! jus like business breakthru dinner..

Here i am~ another late nitez.. came back not long ago from ZM.. going to sleep soon.. yay tmr classes ends at 1pm! finally!! im able to see e sun again!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:06 PM WST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 January 2004 11:08 PM WST
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