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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Sunday, 2 May 2004
mORe thaN woRds
nICe soNg~

Saying 'I Love you' is not the words
I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you not to say
But if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do
To make it real then you wouldn't have to say
That you love me 'cuz I'd already know

What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you

More than words
Now that I've tried to talk to you
And make you understand all you have to do
is close your eyes and just reach out your hands

And touch me hold me close
Don't ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say
That you love me 'cause I already know

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:17 AM JST
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Saturday, 1 May 2004
Be Brave!
ThaNks Best Fwen!! Ya one dat i know i can alwIz count on when i needed u! YupYuP.. I'll learn from wad u went thru~ (0''0)

*cough* feeLing sleePy.. woke up early becuz of a nightmare..*grInz* well.. kinda scary.

Hmm.. did some CG stuff.. but most of the time was resting.. *couGh* yuPyup.. man my eyes are heavy now.. guess i'l have an early night otherwise i'l have puffy eyes tmr morning..

Thanks Yangyit! hmm.. spying on my blog eh? heh heh aLrighTz.. and there goes my Guitar lesson tmr.. but well study hard and all the best for ur exam tis coming Mon! *coUGh*

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:14 PM JST
Updated: Saturday, 1 May 2004 10:44 PM JST
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Sunday, 25 April 2004
HaPPie BiRthdaY!
Wow.. had a great time with Faith and gang.. celebrated fay's bdae. Was fun! Hmm.. guess the most fruitful part is when everyone left. haa.. Wow.. itz realy good.. she gave a speech jus to me.. am so touched and we both jus cried.. gosh! A memorable day! hmm. .. half way thru our speech den came ming xuan kinda spoiled e atmosphere.. haa.. but thank GOd will almost finished wad we wanna say ler..

anywae jus now got a msg from yangyit.. was so encouyraged! He told me i led e Cg well and God's presense was strong.. wow! thats one thing i would love to know! Wow being able to lead ppl into His presense.. Praise God!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:30 AM JST
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Friday, 23 April 2004

Staying up in the middle of the night with only jus 6 hours of sleep.. anywae i noe that tmr is gonna be great!

One of my favourite day of the wk.. look forward to CGM.. cuz i enjoyed their company.. their youthfulness, their bubblyness and their nonsense..*opps* haa.. well.. love ya peeps! and u guys betta know that alrightz?!?! hiaks.. look at the heartache u guys bring upon me?? speed up my aging process.. haa..

Hmm.. well.. i'l have 3 hrs break inbetween.. guess i'l do some cg stuff bah. Still got contact list to cut and paste.

As for today.. thanks bobby! for coming down all the way to accompany me for lunch ^-^ even though i only have 15 mins... appreciate dat kind gesture *touched* yupyup~ hee.. sounds familia..

Hmm.. jus now had a great time with God.. was reminded of my sot days while talking to one of my fren. God is really good! and there's no words to expressed His goodness. Wow... i really miss bible sch days very much.. the best time of my life.. tough? of cuz! but like i said God is good.. thru out.. even now.. God follow a pattern. And HE still does.

I know i'm always safe..
When I'm down, I know YOU'll lift me up
When my feets are heavy to take another step, I know YOU'll carry me and walk me thru the miles
When I couldn't see whats ahead, I know YOU'll open my eyes to see.
Most of all, when I'm faithless, YOU are still Faithful!

Thank u God!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:24 AM JST
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Thursday, 22 April 2004

*Ouch* man.. got a super bad gastric pain.. gosh.. for e second day ler.. pain!

Back from CWBS.. was good, long, detailed and most of all i caught 70% of what was taught.. good enuff when most of e time i lost my focuz and mind got wonder off..

Man! guess i should rest now.. super pain!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:07 AM JST
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Tuesday, 20 April 2004
BlinK BliNg
Heh Heh.. iM Back!!
YEah Rite! Haven't been updating tis poor blog.. but here i am.. coz tis webby has been down e previous time when i wanna log in..

Pretty much to update about.. starting from??

School- life has been pretty alright there.. nice bunch of people.. but but! of cuz there's some tat are getting on my nerves.. teachers are jus like frenz to me ~_~ will go for lunch together.. in a sense they are jus like a leader to me. Cool eh?

Generally i'll be doing fine without all the stress, homeworks, problems contributed by people, back-bitting, backstabbin!! haa.. & so u'l noe my current state bah..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:16 PM JST
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Friday, 26 March 2004

am pretty shocked to realise a couple of my fren are Married! man.. so young! and their kids are old enough to jump or something.. wonder y would they want to marry at such a young age? well to leave aside wedlock.. but but.. hiakz..
kinda noe how are my old schmates doing now thru friendster.. hmm..amazing website! haa.. all look so different.. wow kinda miss those days of fun and youthfulness.. hur hur..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 4:11 PM WST
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Saturday, 6 March 2004

I'l jus make a brief unpdate bout my whole wk..

Overall everythings fine and as usual.. routine.. wanting to find something fresh in life now.. been doing e same old stuff over and over again.. feeling tired of it.. needed something new to brighten my wk..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:37 AM WST
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Sunday, 29 February 2004

wow~ am blessed by e msg Pst Kong preached about today..

Before we were, He was.
Before we sinned, He was salvation.
Before we felt guilt, He had forgiveness.
Before we found Him, He loved us.
Before we lived, He died.

Hmm.. anywaez my DEAREST BEST FWEN!!! i noe ya looking at it!!! here to give u assurance I LOVE YA TOO!! more than any of my frenz eh? besides my goody frenz ya above them okie! U and Sisty~ thou i may not see u guys often but u'l noe e bond is unbreakable! as strong as eva! PROMISE! ~_~

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 6:59 PM WST
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Had a long yet fruitful day~ spend quite some time with a fren which i usually missed out in fellowship.. heh heh okie at least i make up to him.. went around town jus to look for a suitable bag for his gal.. tiring thou but e companies was fun :>

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:16 AM WST
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