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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Monday, 21 June 2004
Back To School
Alrightz.. I'm back to books~ Yupyup.. actually nothing much.. jus going thru e exam papers.. hmm.. also got back my results.. not really very happy with it cuz it fell under my expectation.. hiakz..

Last week was a horrific week~ Yup went for a surgery and remove a growth on my back.. everything went well but itz definately not fun going thru it.. *phew*

Yup.. n everything's fine for me.. or mebbe not so for a frenship that I've alwiz treasure up till now. Jus pray that God will reconciled e frenship back..

Basically thats all.. tmr still gotta go for a post surgery checkup.. n hopefully e clot will be gone!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 9:16 PM JST
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Sunday, 13 June 2004

*sigh* gotta go back school pretty soon.. in another 2 days time... haa *draGz* gotta enjoy to e fullest of my remaining holiz..

Ohh.. got a cOOl fren that got into SIngapore Idol qualifying round! Was trilled to hear that from him this mornin! Indeed talented.. got Champ in Talentime, now got into Sg idol.. haa.. Yeah pray that he's gonna make a different!

And i re-dyed my hair again! Yeah aGain! not gonna mentioned the color here.. if not itz not gonna be a surprise to my goody pal! haa.. but i dyed darker brown for some of e portion.. if not itz too colorful ler.. Yeah.. but im happy with e overall turn out. Yupyup.. thats all~

Thank u for those have been faithfully readin this.. haa.. u noe who u are.. *grInz*

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:29 AM JST
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Thursday, 10 June 2004

Pretty relaxing now.. but still feeling quite uncomfortable.. -_-"

Jus updated my yahoo photo album.. (All the Kaepo Wave yo hands up in d air~) Haa.. KiddinG.. Feel free to roam around eh.. *grInz*

Hmm.. initially goin to watch movie with yangyit.. but not feelin too good.. so gotta fly his kite ler..*soRRy* Guess i'l be staying home today.. see wad can i do.. *thinkin*

Yepp.. mebbe i'l dye my hair?

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:56 AM JST
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Wednesday, 9 June 2004
PraiSe God!
Had an awesome meeting with Sis Wendy and some other leaders. I was tremendously blessed by it. Especially God's presence was extremely strong and tangible.

Really felt that I've moved up another height in God and in ministry. PRaise God!
I wanna dwell in God's presence even more and be able to bring them into God's Sanctuary~ WooHoo~

Living each day closer to GOd!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:14 AM JST
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Sunday, 6 June 2004

Wk has been tremedously bless by the Emerge Conference.. loads of revelations and so full of God's presence.. to be honest, i may not remember the sermon Pst Kong preached word by word but what i can remember is that God is there in e midst and HIs presence is indeed strong and tangible.

ITz realy quite a big thing to miss this conference. Every year it jus go from glory to glory compared to last yr. Especially the Praise & Worship! Exuberant praise, heart felt worship. Thats the phrase i alwiz tell my members. ~.~

Itz been a very tiring wk.. busy with cg stuff. Lotsa of counselling and discipling sessions with e members. Was fruitful indeed and especially thank God for His anointing to do it. Yup itz not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God! PRay that everyone of us is not gonna jus stay impacted by be totally transformed and stepped out to make a difference! Amen!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:18 AM JST
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Thursday, 3 June 2004
SnoOze.. I'm really really really really am very really TIRED.. Gosh.. jUS 2 days of conference and it made me so tired.. gotta stretch and enlarge my capacity..

Anywae the Emerge Conference was GREAT! Man i'm realy blessed at the msg Pst Kong preached about.. It definately build me up stronger on the inside and keeps me standing strong in my ministry.. Yup Values are challenged.. Mindset changed.. loads of good stuff happened.. and most of all God's Presence was so strong.. people are so excited and hype up.. most likely can lose weight from all the queuing up, praising n dance.. haa.. alright dats all for now.

Stay tune~

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:09 AM JST
Updated: Monday, 7 June 2004 10:40 AM JST
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Saturday, 22 May 2004

6 days have jus passed me by.. looking back, days jus seems to pass real fast.. BUT not really dat fast either.. with 21 days to go.. and i bet itz gonna be torturous n S...L...O...W...
(agreed my Dear FREN?) *gRiNz*

The week has been tedious mixed with madness and a pinch of disappointment.. Yup.. reason being MY EXAM
Next week is gonna be likewise but minus off disappointment *cross my fingers* jIa yOU!
gRades are jus secondary but i need God's grace to see me thrU~ Everyone gotta come to this point whereby itZ Greatness, Grades or Grace?

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 3:32 PM JST
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Saturday, 15 May 2004
The "little thing" test
Hmm..was reading one of my daily devotion thru email. & itz definately is one that is in season for now.

Yup basically itz was talkin bout how God test us in lil and big things in our life. Well itz true that when a person is face with a tough situation, most of the time normal human reaction is to talk about the problem and continue whinin..So are we gonna talk about the problems? or are we gonna talk bout what the bible says about problems n issues of life? Itz from then we will noe how deep the Word of God stands in our life.. and how bad or good our attitude is.

Well now.. i'm face with the issue of priority.. am i gonna let my desires take dominion? or am i gonna let God take the 1st place? Itz sounds right to choose the latter one. BUT of cuz I'l let God take the place! Itz a hard one but obedience is what God wants to see.

Went down for a briefing on a new modellin assignment, yup i'm thrilled definately. Cuz itz really what i alwiz wanted to do since young. Regretted quittin few years back cuz mum's objection and i was too young to be in this industry. And now i was given another chance to be in it again! itz for Loreal quite a major assignment. Well.. my spirit was high until the coordinator told me that there's a 6 wks trainin at Pan Pacific every SUnday 1 - 230pm.. my heart jus drop.. Ouch~ Church or Modelling? She even ask me to go for an earlier svc if i can.. split seconds a thot came across my mind.. should i go for a makeup svc? Uh oh.. COMPROMISE?!?! No waY! I sat for a while, counted the cost. My members will be like sheep without sheperd.. I'm compromising my ministry for my own desire. I'm not putting God as my top priority..minutes later i told her "I'l not go for it." and left that place feelin i've made the right decision. Itz not easy.. but i choose to believe God has something better than that for me! Amen! YupYup.. now i still feel a bit sad.. but i'l be better later on.

And so this is the lil and big test in my life.. hopefully i did pass well.

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 5:48 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 19 May 2004 1:17 AM JST
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Friday, 7 May 2004

iTz been a rollercoaster ride for e past few days or maybe weeks? yUp.. well naturally i don't enjoy those rides.. what more when it comes to talkin bout real life?

Upz & Downz.. feel like puking haa.. Oh well.. there's alwiZ a sense of relief when e whole ride is over..BUT! To some they might feel e hangover from e i alwiz do, the aftermath of the whole adventure..

Thru out the whole ride at least i noe im not alone.. Thanks for the person who has been with me, supporting me, giving me the courage to hang on. YupYup~ iTz an adventure we'l embark in together..

Of cUZ peoPle around me that have been showing me the support.. Maui especially!
my bEst fWen~ who silently giving me e strength and prayers..

ThaNk yOu PeePs~

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:48 PM JST
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Sunday, 2 May 2004
mORe thaN woRds
nICe soNg~

Saying 'I Love you' is not the words
I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you not to say
But if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do
To make it real then you wouldn't have to say
That you love me 'cuz I'd already know

What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you

More than words
Now that I've tried to talk to you
And make you understand all you have to do
is close your eyes and just reach out your hands

And touch me hold me close
Don't ever let me go
More than words is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say
That you love me 'cause I already know

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:17 AM JST
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