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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Saturday, 24 July 2004

Im pRetty amazed at myself.. i've typed 6 testimonial.. u might think "chay only 6 mah" oh well then i realised if u want to type about a person.. u gotta think a lot.. yupp.. something meaning yet truthful.. and at the end of it i noe itz gonna bless the recepient. Yay im a happy person.. i like to see people around me happy..

My fingers are actually aching now.. kinda stiff now.. gotta rest my hands now..

And itz so late now.. Phew.. thank God tmr no dance class.. Yeah.. got a dinner with Vania and my dearest Bobby.. Yupp..

Nitez Peeps

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:59 AM JST
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Tuesday, 20 July 2004
fLoatIng oN a fLuFfy cLOud~
Itz sUre is a good feeling to have some free time in the morning.. and making my entry here..

the sky look pretty funny.. dark grey clouds, bright sunlight with a bit of drizzling.. bUT i like the feeling!

Yeah~ nOw im walking under the kiss of heaven! haa.. don't quite understand eh? Oh well.. jus happy.. inexpressable feeling..

Yupp~ alrightz i shall get back to my stuff and get ready for my class..


Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:56 PM JST
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Tuesday, 6 July 2004

Gloomy day~

Exactly what I'm feelin now.. bit heavy n tired.. breeze swept pass my face gently remind me that itZ still a beautiful day out there.

Jus couldn't hype myself up.. sitting here in this sickly body.. flu, sore throat, fever.. the bestest buddy of all virus! Buy 1 get 2 free! To worsen e condition I've still got so many things left unsettled.. If only itz as easy as finishin up homework.. but guess it ain't gonna be easy~

Alrightz.. guess I need a lot of rest~ maybe do some writtin to better express myself.


Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:38 PM JST
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Monday, 28 June 2004
Yeah! I'm on holiday again! yupyup... in less than 12 hrs i'l be up to finish packin my stuff for my summer camp! Yup so people i'l be away for 3 days in a not so far away island call Sentosa! Yea~

Gonna be fun! & so I'l definately enjoy myself to e maX! Before my torturous sch starts again! Opps!

ALrightz guess i should be sleepin ler..


Posted by punk4/zac0 at 3:14 AM JST
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Monday, 21 June 2004
Back To School
Alrightz.. I'm back to books~ Yupyup.. actually nothing much.. jus going thru e exam papers.. hmm.. also got back my results.. not really very happy with it cuz it fell under my expectation.. hiakz..

Last week was a horrific week~ Yup went for a surgery and remove a growth on my back.. everything went well but itz definately not fun going thru it.. *phew*

Yup.. n everything's fine for me.. or mebbe not so for a frenship that I've alwiz treasure up till now. Jus pray that God will reconciled e frenship back..

Basically thats all.. tmr still gotta go for a post surgery checkup.. n hopefully e clot will be gone!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 9:16 PM JST
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Sunday, 13 June 2004

*sigh* gotta go back school pretty soon.. in another 2 days time... haa *draGz* gotta enjoy to e fullest of my remaining holiz..

Ohh.. got a cOOl fren that got into SIngapore Idol qualifying round! Was trilled to hear that from him this mornin! Indeed talented.. got Champ in Talentime, now got into Sg idol.. haa.. Yeah pray that he's gonna make a different!

And i re-dyed my hair again! Yeah aGain! not gonna mentioned the color here.. if not itz not gonna be a surprise to my goody pal! haa.. but i dyed darker brown for some of e portion.. if not itz too colorful ler.. Yeah.. but im happy with e overall turn out. Yupyup.. thats all~

Thank u for those have been faithfully readin this.. haa.. u noe who u are.. *grInz*

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:29 AM JST
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Thursday, 10 June 2004

Pretty relaxing now.. but still feeling quite uncomfortable.. -_-"

Jus updated my yahoo photo album.. (All the Kaepo Wave yo hands up in d air~) Haa.. KiddinG.. Feel free to roam around eh.. *grInz*

Hmm.. initially goin to watch movie with yangyit.. but not feelin too good.. so gotta fly his kite ler..*soRRy* Guess i'l be staying home today.. see wad can i do.. *thinkin*

Yepp.. mebbe i'l dye my hair?

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:56 AM JST
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Wednesday, 9 June 2004
PraiSe God!
Had an awesome meeting with Sis Wendy and some other leaders. I was tremendously blessed by it. Especially God's presence was extremely strong and tangible.

Really felt that I've moved up another height in God and in ministry. PRaise God!
I wanna dwell in God's presence even more and be able to bring them into God's Sanctuary~ WooHoo~

Living each day closer to GOd!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:14 AM JST
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Sunday, 6 June 2004

Wk has been tremedously bless by the Emerge Conference.. loads of revelations and so full of God's presence.. to be honest, i may not remember the sermon Pst Kong preached word by word but what i can remember is that God is there in e midst and HIs presence is indeed strong and tangible.

ITz realy quite a big thing to miss this conference. Every year it jus go from glory to glory compared to last yr. Especially the Praise & Worship! Exuberant praise, heart felt worship. Thats the phrase i alwiz tell my members. ~.~

Itz been a very tiring wk.. busy with cg stuff. Lotsa of counselling and discipling sessions with e members. Was fruitful indeed and especially thank God for His anointing to do it. Yup itz not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God! PRay that everyone of us is not gonna jus stay impacted by be totally transformed and stepped out to make a difference! Amen!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:18 AM JST
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Thursday, 3 June 2004
SnoOze.. I'm really really really really am very really TIRED.. Gosh.. jUS 2 days of conference and it made me so tired.. gotta stretch and enlarge my capacity..

Anywae the Emerge Conference was GREAT! Man i'm realy blessed at the msg Pst Kong preached about.. It definately build me up stronger on the inside and keeps me standing strong in my ministry.. Yup Values are challenged.. Mindset changed.. loads of good stuff happened.. and most of all God's Presence was so strong.. people are so excited and hype up.. most likely can lose weight from all the queuing up, praising n dance.. haa.. alright dats all for now.

Stay tune~

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:09 AM JST
Updated: Monday, 7 June 2004 10:40 AM JST
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