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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Saturday, 26 July 2003

Yesterday nite was awesome! I reach church around 1045pm, met some frenz talk abit here and there.. at 12 we were asked to go down to B4. There's quite a few of my "1ST time" in church! 1St time attending a OVernight Prayer Meeting, 1St time sleeping in the Main Auditiorum, 1St time staying so late in church..hee..

During the prayer meeting, we watch Pst KOng @ Pst Ulf's church having conference. So we Pray at e same time praying for him. Still pray for quite a lot of stuff. Don't feel tired at all infact quite refreshed by the feeling of praying so late... eh i mean so EARLY! ^_* everything ends around 410am, took church bus back, reach home at 5am..

Keke gotta get ready for CGM later liao.. take cAreZ

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:46 PM JST
Updated: Saturday, 26 July 2003 2:03 PM JST
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Friday, 25 July 2003

Jus in time to end off my day with this little diary.. well today nothing much, went down to church office for BS with PSt Zhuang.. but on journey down i've got this terrible pain tat i wanted to cry..-_-" After my class i went marketing with this ger call janice from the same Bs to know her betta, and today know another new fren in Bs class too..hee..coolcool..

I've jus upload lots of new pic go check them out!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:03 AM JST
Updated: Friday, 25 July 2003 1:54 AM JST
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Wednesday, 23 July 2003

Now i got nothing better to do in my Dad's office AGAIN!! Hmm today i heard tat the overnite prayer meeting is open to all who want to attend.. Anyone going?!?! Still feeling quite sick frenz still jokingly tell me mebbe it the manifestation of Demons!! haa.. who knows huh.. actually demons manifest thru sickness too! AHH..some of u dunno rite? I dunno either initally..hee..

Get Ready for a great weekend! Lets Pray and fast at the same time..believe for a breakthru!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 4:16 PM JST
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Tuesday, 22 July 2003
Argh...I'm sick!! Feeling feverish and having headache, flu, sore throat & cough!! POOR ME! Always been healthy but suddenly all virus jus come like a claster *sigh* Due to yesterday sun tann.. now i'm all burned out! Hmm.. too much sun for me is bad too.. Jus don't seem to get enough sleep..guess i'l sleep at 9 plus if possible.. must must rest well these few days, tis fri we're having overnight praying meeting in church together with staff praying for some major stuff i guess..

God Bless hope u guys will not become like sick!

Keep Visiting my Webby ya?! Q Q --> my way of saying Thank You

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 9:33 PM JST
Updated: Tuesday, 22 July 2003 9:47 PM JST
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Monday, 21 July 2003

Had a great time at the beach today together with a few of my frenz.. fell asleep while tanning exhausted now -_-" dunno whether i'm able to wait til 10pm to watch my fav sitcom "friends" .. Yeah tmr Pst Mike Connell will be teaching on Demonology!! Looking Forward to it.. and this coming svc probably we'l be help praying for deliverance for the members..Wah

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 9:30 PM JST
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Sunday, 20 July 2003
Spend my day very fruitfully.. jus came back home from dinner and shopping with my mum and sis at PS. I've bought a very short shorts hee... tmr can wear to beach..yeah.. So bloated now! -_-" today is my last duty doing stage..letting others to take over my place liao..hmm..actually i really like doing stage stuff so fun when u have nice ushers with u..washing tumblers fun.. hmm..well i gotta move on..can't always stick to the same old stuff without having new challenges..Well now i'm ready to accept one! ALL e beSt to Me...

I welcoMe aNy foRm oF eNcoUraGeMent foR mE... HaA... ^_*

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:30 PM JST
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Saturday, 19 July 2003

Saturday!! Came straight home after CG meeting..I'm so tired! Don't understand why am i always tired?? Haiz think i really need 12 hours of sleep a day. This morning as i woke up, realised i've sprained my arms, so pain now.. mebbe i need healing tmr huh haa.. anywae yest Svc was awesome seeing people got healed.. i laught thru-out the svc..Pst Christian and Robin Houfouche are so crappy..

Guys get really for a Great Svc tmr..See ya

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 7:43 PM JST
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Friday, 18 July 2003
-_-'' so boring nothing much to do over i'm at my dad's office sitting here and rot.. still got a few hours before svc 1 start. I'll be going to svc 1 later to check out Pst Christian..he's such a cool guy.. I believe svc later is going to be good! hmm.. afterwards mebbe i'l go city link to shop for presents...then take church bus to church.. all the best to me!! hee.. ^_*

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 4:29 PM JST
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Thursday, 17 July 2003
Hey Guys reali hope u'l take some time to read this cuz i'm blessed by it, hope u too!!
Awesome day! I got prayed by pst John Ollis, he laid hands on me and i felt God's supernatural Power healing me on the inside.. Our chapel with Pastor John Ollis is so fruitful..he preached on
Leviticus 21:17- 23
"Defects from our body hindering our Ministry"
Our body represent certain Spiritual meaning in it..

v18 "blind" = us being a "blinkers" of denomination, thinking our denomination is the greatest of all.. (let us not caught up by church denomination but caught up by the Kingdom of God)

v18 "lame" = inbalance, sometimes being over spiritual or flaky.. (we must be balance in all things we do)

v18 "marred face -> our nose" = jus as we have 5 natural senses so is our spiritual senses. (being a carrier of God's fragrance)

v18 "limb for too long" = unneccessary baggage holding us back from moving or running towards the race.

v19 "broken toes" = Our walk with God. Issit 1 step forward? or 1 step back? or both legs side by side staying put?

v19 "broken hands" = Serving. If our hands is broken there be no strength to serve. God wans our hands firm and strong to serve Him..Be effective

v20 "hunchback" = Are we carrying too much cares on our back tat cause us to hunch? God wans us to cast all our burdens and cares of the world to Him.

v20 "dwarf" = Gk skinny, are we spiritually skinny? Strong on the outside weak on e inside?

v20 "defect in d eyes" = our spiritual sight, seeing things with our natural sight or spiritually sight by faith?

v20 "eczema" = it a kind of reaction in our body. How will we react when someone talk behind our bad? Our reaction towards negative situation?

v20 "scab" = a kind of diet causing our body to be weak. Are we having a healthy diet in the Word?

v20 "enunch" = Impotent-> unfruitful. God placed in us a desire to give birth and be fruitful. So is in the Spiritual. We must be fruitful to give birth to Spiritual babies --> winning souls. We should not be a spiritual "enunch"

God wants to heal us of all these "defects" in our body, and as we do so, we can be an effective worker for His Kingdom and in Ministry.

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:37 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2003 10:50 PM JST
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Wednesday, 16 July 2003

Today i finally spend some quality time with my "best fren" tat is my CG member cum cousin cum spiritual sister cum best fren. She's been complaining tat i've not spend time with her and all due to my assignments and ministry.. actually i should really do some reflect on it cuz i really been spending most of my time on ministry on sunday which is d only day i'l get to see her... hmmm...*deep in tots" anywae i had a great time with her, share lots of stuff, indeed she's my spiritual sis.. can counsel and disciple me.. helping me to stay focuz specially at tis point of time when there's some distraction going on around me... but Thank God it all in God's Hand right now i shan't be bother by it anymore..even if there's anything jus wait for next year for consideration...
I'm Totally Consecrated For God!! ^_*

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:17 PM JST
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