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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Monday, 29 September 2003

Yeah i've cut my hair till super short!! Heh heh gotta change otherwise always looks tat same.. But But guys my hair is PURPLE not RED!!! Stop tellin me it RED!! So sad..

Anywae tmr my Co-Founder of Zoob club will be enlisting into NS.. Aww.. gonna miss the fun.... *grinZ* all E BesT ya *Bobbly Bob*
Tmr we'l be having a cutting of -Friendship Band Ceremony- haa... Cool issn't it? Yeah man

So long never been updating here.. so lazy to do it.. but tis wk shouldn't be as busy as last wk.. almost collapse..

Yep yep tats all folks~ See ya

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:00 AM JST
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Sunday, 28 September 2003

New Pictures Uploaded! Heh heh only 2 la~

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:42 PM JST
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Sunday, 21 September 2003
Fine Tuning Job
Hmm...fellow blogger!
Have u ever felt so stress out and stretch in some seasons of life or u felt tat the pressure
is too much tat u wanted to give up??
Well.. ya not alone!

Everyone went thru tat season i guess..
i jus been thru tat & was encourage by wad
Pst Ming said..we're jus like a symphony Orchestra.. but before the musician plays the instruments.

First they gotta tune it, inserting the rite pressure so tat it will produce the rite sound.. when the pressure is too much, the string will snap.

It the same for us, God is doing the job of tuning us by inserting the rite pressure and stress.. God is in control..He will not insert too much tat we will snap neither too little tat we'll be complacen He will not test us beyond wad we can't take.. After all the hard time, we'l produce a soothing sound before God.. the sound of Faith! Tats wad pleases God especially..

Be encourage frenz, jus as it encouraged me 6_6

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:50 AM JST
Updated: Monday, 22 September 2003 12:12 AM JST
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Thursday, 18 September 2003

Soo.. sad.. i felt i didn't do my 100% for my preaching.. felt it my worst one ever.... arrgh! one of my point doesn't even sound like a "sound dctrine" tat means "heresy" if we're in the history!!! -_-"

Didn't go to sch today.. not becuz i'm too depressed to go la but i'm attending my cousin's wedding tats y... jus finish writting my sermon.. hopefully and prayfully i'l do much much much betta this time round!! Mus be from Glory to Glory!!! Amen!!

Hmm... seems like people around me are not feeling too good as well.. i guess it jus a season that everyone gotta go thru.. but be encourage becuz it jus a test that God set before us.. to purify and to make us even stronger!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:36 AM JST
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Monday, 15 September 2003
Lessons To Learn
I've got this article from my email, hope tat it will bless u, jus as it has blesses me.....

There are lessons that we all need in some area of our life.

Most areas of our lives could be better if we just did something about it.

If you are not pleased with your knowledge, talk to the student;
you are the student.

If you are not pleased with your marriage, talk to the spouse,
no not the other spouse, the spouse reading this.

If you are not pleased with your spiritual life, talk to the seeker.

If you are not pleased with your weight, talk to the EATER.

Sometimes we would rather talk to everyone except the only one
who can really do something about a problem.

Most times in our lives we are that someone.

We can be our own best coach, our own best motivator, our own best challenger, if we would just tell ourselves the right things. Sometimes others don't believe in us because we don't
believe in ourselves.

Next time something doesn't taste right in your life, try talking to the cook.

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 4:46 PM JST
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Saturday, 13 September 2003
Which is more important?
I came across this interesting qns.. which of our body part is the most important??

First answer tat came to my mind is Eyes.. but.. there are people tat are blind too.. not neccessary we gotta live with it.. neither is our ears cuz there are deaf too...

But it our shoulder.. not becuz we can hold our head up high.. it is because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one when they cry.

Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life

The most important body part is not a
selfish one. It is sympathetic to the pain of others.

People will forget what you said...
People will forget what you did....
But people will NEVER forget how you made them feel.

Be blessed. Be a blessing. Get your shoulder ready....

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:21 PM JST
Updated: Saturday, 13 September 2003 10:23 PM JST
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If i haven shared it with u guys... here it is. I've been really very tired.. mentally, physically and Spiritual.. i really feel like taking a break from all the work around me.. Cg stuff, ministry and sch work.. the work load is getting heavier and heavier... Arrgh! I'm always relying on my own strength...!!

God help me through during this time of enlarging my capacity.. hold me while U mould me...

Today gotta heard of this song by mariah carey.. it been in my playlist for quite long but until now then i realised the beauty of this song... it all lies in the lyrics...

And Giving me Peace
Giving me Strength
Giving me Hope When I'd
Almost Lost It All
Catching my Every Fall
I Still Exist Because You Keep me Safe
Always my Saving Grace
Pulls me Through
I Found my Saving Grace Within You

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:47 AM JST
Updated: Saturday, 13 September 2003 1:49 AM JST
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Thursday, 11 September 2003
Got loads to type actually but i'l cut it short.. well.. tmr is my 3rd preaching test.. looking ofrward to it cuz tmr's topic is Healing. Let u guys in a secret, my forte topic is Faith & Healing.. oohh.. cool! So tmr i'l pray for the BEst to come! Amen!

Sat's my CG bigday, guess what i'm acting in the drama and share my testimony.. Woah! So nervous! But is gonna be great, pray tat my testimony touches the hearts of the new frens... Now i'm quite busy with CG stuff and ministry stuff since it my last 2 wks in Usher.. so i'l do my best and rise up more ushers.. Yeah!

Well thats all folks! Take Super Good Care! *_-

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 8:20 PM JST
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Friday, 5 September 2003

How have all my frenz been?? Sometimes quite tired of updating this blog so "ma fan".. hee..

Yesterday when to Toy r'us.. back to my childhood..*grinz* need to relax ahh.. nothing much still e same as eva many toys! haa.. well actually my fren and I got freaked out by a HUGE lion look alike.. MAN how can a child play with tat!? so scary looking as if it real sia! then we went to the barbie section..EE.. so cool..the crown, the dress, e shoes.. it actually meant for the kids not the BARBIE! If only i'm tat small size! hee..

And for today, sch ended at 12.. then after sch i went back home straight.. realising loads of cg stuff i have not done yet.. too lax!! hmm.. so here i am now... updating my blog..

CheeRs EveryOne!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:44 PM JST
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Wednesday, 3 September 2003
Wah.. finally make it thru for my first preaching test sia!!.. SOO nervous! So funny we gotta stand infront of a music stand pretending it the "pulpit" and hold on to a mic.. But thank God i make it thru quite well... but but.. still another to go for this wk on fri.. EE.. StresS

Evaluator - Bro Ming Hao

My Evaluation - Slightly Fast in my preaching
- Need more emotions like excitment

BAsically tats all.. He's quite happy with my overall performance! Woo Hoo~~ Praise the Lord

Now gotta be back into "my world of preaching" liaoz take carez folkz...

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:08 PM JST
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