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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Tuesday, 2 December 2003
wOo HoO~
BleSSings BlesSIngS!! e Law of AbunDance is hAppeniNg to Me!! YaY~ reCeived a BIg Big BleSSing frOm my MummY tOdaY!! wOw.. mY gOOdnEss!! GOd is sUper Good! I've Got LoaDs of bLeSSing fOr tIS moNth..

gOt a PumA sPorts Bag whiCh I alwAys wAnted vEry bAdly... (blessing from my dad)

gOT a New pAir of SHoes.. alSo wAd i waNted (blessing from my dad)

a tOp frOM "zara" (bleSSing from my sis)

waD couLd be beTTa thaN CASH blESSING ???? haa..(blessing from my mummy) moRe thAN enUff to buY a skater sneaker from Flash N Splash and a levis jeans.. wow!! aBOve aLL i NOe itZ GOd tat is Moving thrU theM haa......

PraiSe God & tHaNk God!! *mUAcKz*

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 5:16 PM WST
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Tuesday, 25 November 2003

I Don't Regret A Mile

I've dreamed many dreams that never came true.
I've seen them vanish at dawn.
But I've realized enough of my dreams, thank God,
To make me want to dream on.

I've prayed many prayers, when no answers came,
Though I waited patient and long,
But answers came to enough of my prayers
To make me keep praying on.

I've trusted many a friend that failed
And left me to weep alone,
But I've found enough of my friends true blue
To make me keep trusting on.

I've sown many seeds that fell by the way
For the birds to feed upon,
But I have held enough golden sheaves in my hands
To make me keep sowing on.

I've drained the cup of disappointment and pain
And gone many days without song,
But I've sipped enough nectar from the roses of life
To make me want to live on.

~by Howard Goodman (gospel singer)~
Excerpt from his song

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 4:08 PM WST
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Monday, 24 November 2003
mISs bRoken
....beGin to reaLise.. hoW nOt easY to be a leader .. when so many souls are under ur care and gotta make sure everyone are doing fine.. & OF CUZ ATTENDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wAd a SundaY foR me.. a WeT one thOu.. maNy haV seEn e sIDe of mE wheRe theY doN't usuaLly see iT.. a Bit marU.. huR huR.. bUt wAs enCouraGe by loAds of pEople.. a Fren in neEd is a Fren inDeed.. thaNk God i'Ve fOund tRue frEns whO r alWays theRe to giVe mE sUport whEn i NeedEd one.. weLL riTe nOW am OKay liAoz.. all theSe challengeS are to prePare me for e Giants ahead!!! cOMe waD maY~~

hMM...sOmetImes alSo felT vEry tirEd to mAintain a freNshiP..wAs thInkinG y aM i alwAys e One maKing e efFort tO cLose up e gAp wHich is lost whEn theRe's no feLLowsHip.. alWays e one maKing efforT to msG enCouRagIng smseS, alwAys e One plaNnIng fOR ouTings, aLWayS e oNE maKing Sure thEy arE alrIght.. in tUrns i geT coLD reSponse.. oR evEn no rEplyS...vEry tiRed~ waS thInkinG prObaBly I sHould stOp doIng all thEse.. iF thats reAly e Case i seE nO poInt in It.. or pRobably thEy see it tOO oftEn and taKE othErs foR gRanteD.. hAiz..I reAlise soMetimEs gOOd fRen dO reAly tAKe eacH otHer foR gRanted unTil whEn e PerSon has sLowly slIp awAy then thEy realise tHEir prEsence is Not thEre.. noT aPPrecIAting onE anOther.. fEel liKE tats wAd haPPeniNg to mE.. i'vE alwAys taKe theM as mY gD fRenz..bUT wHEn i nEeded thEm.. i feEl tat i cAN't juS piCk up e pHoNE & caLL thEM..hAIz... everYone's goIng thRu diFFerent phraSes in lifE, proBably wOn't uNDerstaNd eiTher.. mEbbE i dOn'T unDerstaNd thEm toO.. weLL juS leAve it as it is.. inTo GoD's hAnd i cOmmiT..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:24 AM WST
Updated: Monday, 24 November 2003 10:32 PM WST
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Monday, 17 November 2003

iF lOviNg sOmeoNE huRts.. thEn it Hurts eVen mORe to lOve God.. tEstiNgs, pRessuRe cOmes juS beCuz i'm fOlloWinG HIM.. nO maTTeR waD I'vE coME too Far tO gIve uP nOW.. ..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 3:59 PM WST
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Sunday, 9 November 2003

The shortest distance between a problem
and a solution is the distance between
your knees and the floor in prayer.

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:52 PM WST
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Wednesday, 5 November 2003
How easily we forget.
How quickly we assume.
How often we take for granted.

So many extraordinary things of life become common.
We devalue them.
We fail to appreciate them,

...and thus we lose the blessing.

Start looking around u and count ur blessings!
God Bless!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 4:45 PM WST
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Monday, 3 November 2003

*Sigh* weekdays again~ tat means i gotta continue with my studies for my re-exam... fell asleep while studying for it...hur hur hur

mY heart keeps floating back to weekends...arrhh..hee.. but itz quite fun thou.. watch UPTOWN GIRL not as nice as i thot.. almost fell asleep.. lite hearted show.. not suitable to watch it with a bunch of frenz.. mebbe 1 or 2? Oh dear i realise i kept falling asleep while watching show or some'n .. fell asleep while watch'n matrix yest..haa.. become'n a "OEI OEI" impartation my "BIG BEAR"...hur hur

well well..gonna dive myself into my noteZ again!!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:37 AM WST
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Friday, 31 October 2003
Jus actully thot i can finally relax.. haiz but got back my results.. failed 2 of my papers Theology and History of Christianity..arrgh gotta admit..most of e time durin history lesson i was either dozing off or talkin to my frenZ..hur hur itZ so difficult and dry lo.. was thinkin whether can make it on my re-exam anot.. hmm.. no matter wad still gotta pass.. otherwise won't be able to graduate ahh...

well well..still i'm gonna go out tmr no matter wad..heh heh got appointment liao..YiPee.. (o''o)

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:27 PM WST
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Wednesday, 29 October 2003
.. .. .. Breathe .. .. ..
If I just breathe
let it fill in the space between
I'll know everything is alright.
every little piece of me,
you'll see
everything is alright.
If I just breathe

---> heh heh taken down from Michelle Branch "Breathe" nice song

Hur hur dunno wads tat for.. anywaez finally PReaching tests Is OVER.. i repeat myself IT OVER! WooHoo~ can lax liao.. mebbe not so soon yet until i finish my october bible reading plus 2 book reading list to finish..

hmm... not stressing out yet.. instead something "horror horrendious terrible dragful worst bad" *okay i've use up my vocab liao hee* happened which is not suppose to disclose over here and shouldn't be put across over e internet...! I jus repeat myself again.. I ain't gonna like it!!! for wad is happening around.. (kinda like speaking in parables huh?) itZ jus freaks me out and gives me e goosebumps..which is about to fall off my skin liao.. hur hur.. well well well.. hmm.. (gonna end abruptly) <-- wad i'm best at! haa..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:26 PM WST
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Wednesday, 22 October 2003
Arrgh!! As it getting closer and closer to end of sch term.. felt tis heaviness within me.. kinda like at e crossroad whereby i gotta make a choice between Diploma in Theology or my O level.. it hard! Without an Os i can't hardly do anything in the private sector.. going on to Yr 2 will only get me a dip in theology and it not recognise.. but it reali sacrificing my own desire and seek God's.. BUT Why i jus can't get tat revelation whereby my Future is in God's hands??..Believing and trustin in Him tat it will shine eva brighter?? Itz easy to say then to actually believe.. When God called me to go for SOt I dun think He's gonna leave me now hanging in e midst of nowhere.. i noe God wans me to continue for e 2nd yr but.. there's jus so many buts! It requires my entire yr, finance, and the understandin of my family members.. It requires at least $500 to sustain me for a month.. my mom and sis doesn't understand y am i going for tis course..It not easy for me to actually fight for wad i want.. it very tiring~ I'm very tired...very tired..

After praying.. now i felt much much much better.. I'm still gonna go for God in persuing yr 2.. i noe God is gonna work miracles for me.. specially next wk! BEcuz He said so! It will be a yr where my dreams will be fulfilled..God reminds me what He did for me in my 1st yr..deeper relationship with Him, greater understanding of Him and becoming Youth CGL which i always tot it impossible but God prove the impossible possible in my life & what good things will e Father withold from His children??

2004 is gonna be great! God will make a way! Faith and Trust always work hand in hand.. I'm gonna excerise my faith and trust in God!!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:51 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 October 2003 11:26 PM JST
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