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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Sunday, 14 November 2004
dRaIned oUt
For the past fews days have been rather fruitful n fUn! yEah..

Birthday party to attend.. prezzie to buy.. shopping outing with Bobby! Haa.. oF cuZ he is SUPPOSEd to pamper me! Whaha.. tHaNks Bobby! I know u dote on me very very much! Hee..

yUpyUp.. Busy with the SIS bigday plus CG bigday.. Finally! Tmr i could really rest for the day~ YEa..
PLUS! I got my Hp ler!! Yeah! *jumping for joy* Haa.. bet people around had enough of my whinning..hee.. Right?! Huh? Can't hear u! whahaha

*sigh* everythings over now.. I shall rest ler.. while bobby's happy jamming away~ hAve fUn!


Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:21 PM WST
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Saturday, 6 November 2004
I'm sO nOt eNterTaIned..
Mood:  don't ask
I'm so so so bORed at hOme! I'm jus gonna rot..
*yawn* there's noThing i could do.. hmmm..

Hopefully Bobby could save the day A-sap!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:51 PM WST
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Sunday, 24 October 2004
Awesome Weekends
Mood:  incredulous
Had a short awesome holiday retreat with my dearest to ShangRi la.. Of cuz thats not e whole point y we're there but becuz itz Bobby's Commissioning Ball dinner! Yupyup..

Everyone are looking cool and kinda prep for a night of FUN! So am I! haa..

From the reception to e dinner, everything is just simply Cool! I mean this like so Grand.. Yupyup an eye opening experience.. Haa.. All thanks to Bobby.. Aww.. kinda miss everything.. so fun!

Now im gonna concuss any min.. had a really really long night... need to re-charge my energy level ler.

ALrightz.. wait till im back again!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 9:29 PM JST
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Wednesday, 20 October 2004
Jus came back from a post birthday celebration dinner with my family.. yup.. berry full now..

Yesterday had a great meeting with Dennis Balcombe.. talks about China.. Cool!
Then had zone meeting.. and got a celebration with e zone leaders and Pst Zhuang.. yupyup..
Got 2 tops from Topshop.. nice! yEa

Hao la.. i shall stop here ler.. TATA

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 7:42 PM JST
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Tuesday, 19 October 2004
hApPiE bIRthDay!
Mood:  flirty
hAPpIE haPPiE bIRthDay to mE! YEaH..

Had an awesome celebration with buddy maui.. and of cuz e surprise appearance of my dearest Bobby.. (which supposedly be stuck in tekong taking care of his sch 2 huh? haa)

Oh well itz fun! Had dinner at Holland V.. den Haagen Daz ice cream cake!

Man! Im jus a happy, content lil girl that have people that dotes on me! hEE..

Thanks Dear! and oF cuz my Buddy Maui! YEah!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:06 PM JST
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Sunday, 17 October 2004
aDvancE bIrthDay cElebRation
YesTerdAy was one of e best day i eva had this year..

Thought it was jus an ordinary cg meeting.. but ended up in lotsa surprises.. like Kindle Surprise chocolate.. haa.. *lame*

YupyuP.. kinda hard for me to put into words about e whole event.. but im sure as long as i could remember.. i'l never forget my 19th birthday celebration with E337!

Evening had dinner with a couple of gd frens.. Fish & Co glass house.. fruitful fellowship.. nice gathering.. oh well everythings nice la.. hee..

Oh weLl.. in jus less than 2 days.. i'm really stepping into e full 19 years of my existence in e world.. pRetty cOOl... buT im getting old.. hiakz..

aLrightz.. am tired now.. signing off to Lala land

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:57 PM JST
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Thursday, 14 October 2004
Now Playing: AkOn - Locked up
I'm kinda sick of my holiday life ler.. once i was so deprived of it.. now i wish i could get out of it.. humans are never satisfied.. hiakz..

BuT! I'm jus gonna make my time more fruitful.. I'l probably do some designing then go down to gym.. yupyup.. gotta get prep for next sat Commissioning Ball.. YEah! so exciting! SO.. gotta burn some carbs and flubby fats.. haa.. so to fit in nicely to e dress.. haa.. haa.. haa.. plus some healthy diets.. wOOhoO! felt so motivated! Heh heh

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:29 PM JST
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Tuesday, 12 October 2004
yEah! oFFiciAlly dEclARed sTreSS-FreE!
eXams oVer! yEs! iT is fINSIHED! haa.. went ouT celebRating wiTH my bUDDY! yUpyuP.. aLL aROund oRchard.. Yeah.. kinda sick of it already.. haa.. jus when i thot i was so deprieved of Orchard.. haa.. not anymore~

Initially gonna watch Exorcist or White Chicks.. but.. hiakz.. next time bah..
Ended up at Coffee Club ..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:46 PM JST
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Sunday, 10 October 2004

My SongLose my BreatheLose my Breathe

HeH hEh! tMr's lAst PapEr! YeaH n Yes! lAST pAPER! gOSh~ nEva feLt sO haPPy fOR oNCe.. rElived! eH..nOT exactly nOW .. bUT soOn! hOo

fEEling reALy reALy tired.. eYes gONa clOSe oN me sOOn..

aLL e bEst dEar oN uR 1st daY aS a P.C! oNce again yA bACk tO tEkONg~ lalala

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:33 PM JST
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Monday, 4 October 2004
One paper down.. 6 more to go~ hiakhiak
Papers was pretty easy.. easier than expected.. Yup.
Now gotta study real real hard for my math ler..

Thanks Dearie for coming down yest when itz already midnite.. thANks for mugging the papers with me.. hee..

Yupyup.. yeah can upload pic ler..this e most recent pic taken on my dear's commissionin parade..SUAI!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:58 PM JST
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