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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Sunday, 26 December 2004

hAppY BOxing dAy!

Feeling tired now.. early morning woke up n went straight to my cousy's place to help her with Thanksgiving dinner.. yupyup... tiring..
Sumpteous meal.. yumyum.. lotsa food.. drank a bit.. but NOT DRUNK! Get it!?

So not in e mood to pack my stuff for tmr's camp..yupyup.. be away for 3 days.. Our very own WYZ leaders Retreat.. yup

Take Care fOlks!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:42 PM WST
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Thursday, 23 December 2004
cHRisTmas Eve's Eve
Yea! I'm simply excited for X'mas!! My favourite season of the year! Ho Ho Ho~ Gonna do last min shopping with dearie tonight n tmr noon.. hopefully can get some good deal.. haa..

Anywae I'm accepted for my O next yr ler... so i'll be around in CHEC for quite sometime.. haa..

And i'll be stepping down from leadership next May.. so i could concentrate on Os all the way liao.. Don't miss me E337! haa.. *sobsob*

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:48 PM WST
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Monday, 20 December 2004
pRecIous MomEnts
iTz bEEn really long since i had a good quality time with bobby ler.. n of cuz to our fav place.. e beach! itz great! got a mat, pick up some snacks n off we go.. haa.. anywae he stay so near.. yupyup..
gOOd fellowship..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:22 PM WST
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Monday, 6 December 2004
Nostalgic Moment
Looking back~ I'm already so close to 2005! A brand new year ahead! New Resolution.. new rules.. new beginning! Yeah!

Yesterday SOT graduation was fantastic! Reminds me of mine last year.. memorable!

Yupyup~ mY beSties!
Kinda tiring.. went out for supper with them.. awesome companionship.. fruitful ouTing!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:45 PM WST
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Monday, 29 November 2004

Itz a great week!

Tuesday a powerful night with Pst Kong.. powerful zone meeting after that too. Realised thru e BS my standard got higher.. ultimately becoming like God's standard. Not compromising anything but be God's best!

Rest of e days.. basically nice.. relaz.. cuz no cg.
Yupyup.. weekend was fruitful.. spent my day with Bobby.. dinner with his family den down to town.. walk walk.. n settled down at Checkers! Yummy cheese sticks!

As for today.. kinda rushed.. dilly dally in e morning.. den give Bs.. Svc was revelational..yupyup.. dun wanna be a taker but a giver in our relationship..

After svc.. wanted to rush for bro kenny's dance class.. but got held back.. meeting with pst.. too bad.. been so long since i last attended e dance class.. haa..
Well ended up helping at our zone street soccer match.. drizziling.. cold.. watched my bobby soccer skill.. haa.. aww.. too bad.. his team lost.. haa.. ops.. next week shall continue..

Jus now was chatting with a fren n asked a question that kinda got me thinking.. a totally innocent question but yet intriguing.. haa.. Wonder if our frenship will ever patch back to e good old days..yupyup.. definately cherish those times that we shared.. last x'mas n all.. yup.. still hoping that God will reconciled this relationship back... Im not trying very hard for it anymore.. cuz i felt all my effort have gone to waste.. only God can do e miracle bah..

Pretty long entry huh? *gRinz*

Shall have my beauty sleep ler..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:15 AM WST
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Tuesday, 23 November 2004

Wad a weekend i had.. Discouraging i would say.. further more some issues jus add unto it..
Really dunno how am i gonna go thru it without Bobby by my side.. my comfort n strength.. a picture of God to me.. Of cuz im not placing him above God la... It jus make me realised even more that i wanna be with him for e rest of my life!

Hmm.. tonight will be CWBS.. hopefully i'l catch a glimpse of my darling.. poor thing gotta sit alone..


Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:03 PM WST
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Sunday, 14 November 2004
dRaIned oUt
For the past fews days have been rather fruitful n fUn! yEah..

Birthday party to attend.. prezzie to buy.. shopping outing with Bobby! Haa.. oF cuZ he is SUPPOSEd to pamper me! Whaha.. tHaNks Bobby! I know u dote on me very very much! Hee..

yUpyUp.. Busy with the SIS bigday plus CG bigday.. Finally! Tmr i could really rest for the day~ YEa..
PLUS! I got my Hp ler!! Yeah! *jumping for joy* Haa.. bet people around had enough of my whinning..hee.. Right?! Huh? Can't hear u! whahaha

*sigh* everythings over now.. I shall rest ler.. while bobby's happy jamming away~ hAve fUn!


Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:21 PM WST
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Saturday, 6 November 2004
I'm sO nOt eNterTaIned..
Mood:  don't ask
I'm so so so bORed at hOme! I'm jus gonna rot..
*yawn* there's noThing i could do.. hmmm..

Hopefully Bobby could save the day A-sap!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:51 PM WST
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Sunday, 24 October 2004
Awesome Weekends
Mood:  incredulous
Had a short awesome holiday retreat with my dearest to ShangRi la.. Of cuz thats not e whole point y we're there but becuz itz Bobby's Commissioning Ball dinner! Yupyup..

Everyone are looking cool and kinda prep for a night of FUN! So am I! haa..

From the reception to e dinner, everything is just simply Cool! I mean this like so Grand.. Yupyup an eye opening experience.. Haa.. All thanks to Bobby.. Aww.. kinda miss everything.. so fun!

Now im gonna concuss any min.. had a really really long night... need to re-charge my energy level ler.

ALrightz.. wait till im back again!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 9:29 PM JST
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Wednesday, 20 October 2004
Jus came back from a post birthday celebration dinner with my family.. yup.. berry full now..

Yesterday had a great meeting with Dennis Balcombe.. talks about China.. Cool!
Then had zone meeting.. and got a celebration with e zone leaders and Pst Zhuang.. yupyup..
Got 2 tops from Topshop.. nice! yEa

Hao la.. i shall stop here ler.. TATA

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 7:42 PM JST
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