Me, MySeLf, AnD i

Zoe Smith
Squirrel, Tinkerbell, ashles

Hey, This is me and i'm just gonna tell a lil bout, well, me. So yeah, im 16, brunette(an internal blonde, ask Justin and Linz, above wit Jason on the right side)medium length hair, bout 5'6", and just a lil chubby. I like games of tag on the highway, basketball-playing of course, laughing, my truck ~Ozzy~, laughing, rock and roll, my budz, pizza, laughing, snowboarding, and prolly lots else but who knows. Hopefully skydiving one day! Oh yeah, and i go to this private school, there's some fun. Oh wait, no. Anywho, you should also visit my boys' site,, cuz ya, they're just awesome and i love em to pieces. Most of my friends are guys, just cuz girls are so freakin like drama-rama all the time. But some of my bestest girls are: Tara-you know your like a sister to me babe! Love always. Linz~ shimp-dip! you're like me speacial-ed cousin or somethin. hehe ya know i love ya. And Tiffles, ya better not beat up anymore boys babe! You lil heartbreaker. Boys, luv ya all, you know who you are. But i do have to say, i like P-dawg the best. *dreamy sigh* My Goober. I'm thinkin bout becomin some kind of forensics but i also like animals and think somethin like zooology would be cool. i dunno. Well, dunno how much i'll keep this updated but yeah, hopefully regularly. This is pretty much me, so deal with it. "Catch ya on the Flipside."