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Interview with lona

Q: Where were you born? (Hospital, City, State)?

A: Abbot Hospital, Minneapolis, MN

Q: What do you do for a living?

A: This is gonna be hard … see answers to question below

Q: What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

A: Reading, flying, visit with nice people, contemplate secrets of the universe

Q: When you were a teen what were some of your favorite things to do?

A: Attend soc hops, battle of the bands, dance the boogaloo, eat out, flirt with boys, listen to music, sew, see movies, bicycling, swimming

Q: As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?

A: Circus acrobat (tight rope walker), cowgirl, cowboy, mouseketeer, Lennon sister, stewardess

Q: Did you enjoy High School?

A: Not much, I enjoyed the social stuff. I didn’t like how cruel kids were

Q: Why or why not?

A: I was in Distributive Education (DECA) and only had to attend ½ days senior year

Q: Which age was the hardest for you, and why? A: Then and now, monkey wrenches always seem to be flying

Q: What is the best part about having your own radio show?

A: I love music, it soothes me. I enjoy putting together a theme.

Q: What guides you when you are making a choice that could negatively affect your life?

A: Not much. Intuition.

Q: What is one thing that you want to accomplish that you haven’t yet?

A: First five answers to number five

Q: If you could wish one thing for me as I grow, what would that be?

A: That you follow your dream in music. You have a great talent and the world will always need great music. Be safe, do good work. That you will always be able to handle any monkey wrenches life may throw at you.

Lona is my next door neighbor that has her own radio show. Iam really glad that I know somone like her.