
April Fool's Jokes
Call Mr. Lyon
We've all heard of--or tried--some form mr. lyon of this Bart Simpson-esque trick, but we got a chuckle out of this wild animal version nonetheless. To pull it off, simply leave your victim a convincing- sounding message (either on paper or on an answering machine) from a certain "Mr. Lyon," who has called about an urgent matter (a missed lunch date is good for extra laughs) and would like a return call as soon as possible. Mr. Lyon's number? The phone number for your local zoo.
Really Heavy Metal
Just superglue coins to the pavement. You'll need to find a spot that is both heavily trafficked and suitable for gluing; a front sidewalk or driveway works well, though you may need to clean the surface to get the coins to stick.
Model Parent
Loosely stuff the pants with crumpled newspaper or rolled towels. "Sit" the trousers in one of your kitchen chairs and use several pieces of packing tape to secure the seat of the pants in place. Or, you can thread the twine through the belt loops of the pants and tie them to the back of the chair. Position the chair with one side up against the kitchen table facing the doorway. Loosely stuff a pair of socks and fit them into Dad's shoes. Fit the tops of the socks into the pant legs and use tape to secure them to the inner material, if necessary. Fold in half a piece of poster board and tape a few open newspaper sheets to it so that the newspaper extends beyond the top of the poster board. Prop the board (newspaper facing out) on the mannequin's lap, pinning one corner between the chair and the table. Tape the lower part of the board to the chair.
The Sink Surprise
There are good reasons why this prank was cited by dozens of readers. It's harmless, extremely effective and a snap to pull off--in short, the quintessential April Fools' prank. The prankster need only find a rubber band, wait for a moment when the kitchen is empty, and then slip the rubber band over the sink sprayer handle so that it is stuck in the on position. Carefully aim the nozzle so that it sprays out--onto anybody who turns on the faucet.
Fake Lottery
Record an evening of TV on the night of the lottery drawing one week. Make sure to record the lottery drawing also. Buy lottery tickets for the following week drawings with the numbers drawn on the night you recorded it. Invite a friend over to watch TV that night (works better if you know they didn't watch TV the week before). Ask them to buy half your lottery ticket and you'll share the winnings 50/50. Play the tape instead of actually watching the programmed TV shows. When the lottery drawing is held (on your tape) have them hold the ticket and check the numbers. Watch their reaction.
Toilet Watcher
Here is a great joke to play on april fools day or any other time you have an opportunity. To prepare for this you need to take a video camera and record 5 or 10 minutes of video of the toilet in your bathroom. When you have a group of people at your house wait on someone to get up and go to the restrooom. While they are in the restroom play the video taped you prepared earlier and have everyone in the room start laughing hysterically. When that person comes back from the restroom, they will see everyone watching what looks to be a camera on the restroom and laughing hysterically........Then watch them blush.
Desktop Capture
Go to someones computer, do a "print screen" of their desktop. Paste it to a *.bmp and then save it in their settings as a background. They will try for hours to click on stuff that just ain't there!! Its great fun to watch. (I used to work as a PC tech and we used to do this to clients we hated)
Yummy Oreos
Fill oreos with toothpaste in the middle and give it to someone to eat.
Plastic Wrap
Get Plastic clear wrap....pick up the toilet seat...spread a large sheet of the plastic wrap over the tile of the toilet, then place seat back down.
Taped Phone
Put clear tape over the phone so that when it rings and someone picks it up, it will just keep ringing.