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InSidE mY MiNd
Saturday, 5 November 2005
Mood:  flirty
Hello everyone who is taking the time to read this yeah I'm a writer.Well anywho...... lately I have lost my sweet persona why I dunno b4 I cared so much for everythign and everyone around me but I dunno know it's like "EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES!!!" Maybe it's because I feel very...........................crappy for the fact that I'm sick I dunno or I'm maturing w/e it is I don't like it I wanna be the way I was b4 sweet caring and gave a damn!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by punk5/punk_star at 7:47 PM CST
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Friday, 4 November 2005
Mood:  don't ask
Well today my day was normal, but since the last time I wrote so much has happened my "best friend" Maricruz got mad at me for "somethign I said". So maybe this is a sign maybe she wasn't my real bestfriend but instead Sarah a girl who called me her bff and mariah so I guess we will be the three powerpuff girl o.k maybe not exactly that title saturday tommorow *sarcasm* like it will be so totally full of events!!!

Posted by punk5/punk_star at 6:35 PM CST
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Sunday, 30 October 2005
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: 10 Mil Natasha
Well oday nothing outta the ordanary; Church (yeah You I got to church) and then to my grams house with (like always ) food to feed everyone there (great!!!) I really can't say EVERYTHING EVERYTHING gor the last blog I had I wrote something that later came and bit me in the ass, and since I might not be able to write in it everyday cuz every time I ask to use the computer the dad says "For What??" ( just shut up and move!!!) Well the major 4-1-1 I am 13 I have to younger sisters who always use me to their advantage for everything from feeding them to living wiht them just b-cuz i'm the oldest and to make my life a whole shit better (yuppy!!!)*sarcasm* I'm having a baby bro (that's what the doc said but they are not always right for they said I was a dude but nope I'M not) Well as much as this is umm what the word...... *stupid* i have to go why.... to eat so laterz
Love and Date Don't Hate

Posted by punk5/punk_star at 5:09 PM CDT
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