It’s not the Destination
It’s the Journey
To the Straw Built Cabin
The names have been changed to protect "Mr. C."
Current information is first.
I’ve created a Cabin Bio page to track the materials saved from the landfill.
Last UPDATE 12/18/07
Were back 12/14-16/07 Lightweight, Turtleberg, Mr. C Good friend Bob, George and Roger worked at on the cabin. It’s been a long time since the last workday.
The straw was rotted and had to switch gears, breakdown any buy new lumber. Saturday wood arrived at Rasta Ridge and Sunday the whole team got busy.
First we must thank Mr. & Mrs C for a great breakfast then we were on our way.
The following pictures will show the 4 exterior wall new standing
*****NEWS FLASH*****
01/08/06 The sub floor is now complete, next phase is the corner posts and cross members for the roof.
Here is a collection of pictures from this past Sunday.
My Motto no wine, no work (SE)
01/07/06 pictures of the new composting toilet,
Nicknamed the super-pooper 2000.
Today during our normal breakfast at the OASIS consisting of a Double BLT extra bacon hold the 3rd slice of sourdough and a large Ice Tea, Frenchy joined us for the Rasta Ridge experience. After breakfast we got the project rolling. Having the 3rd person is a big help.
Here is the Great Staff at the OASIS in Cathy’s Valley… Kim and Glenda along with a picture of the Famous DBLT
Here’s Frenchy making sure I’m working.
I had to get smart quick, So I put Frenchy to work, here’s Frenchy operating the nail gun.
More Rasta Ridge Engineering "RRE", we forgot the gas can. The generators drank more than we did. Here’s MR"C" siphoning petrol from the cruiser into recyclable wine bottles.
Floor almost complete, Frenchy had to leave, but Shirley and John arrived. Shirley made us lunch, Roast beef sandwiches with home made soup, and John was eager to contribute.
As the picture shows we got a lot done this trip. Thanks to the helpers.
Here’s "Mr.C" enjoying the view and a glass of Red.
Here’s my attempt at ART, My photo is titled
"I can see clearly now that the wine is gone".
11-25-05 Luchie on the Forklift, and Andy next to the truck Hooked us up with More FREE stuff from the yard in Planada.
11-25-05 We’ve loaded up the truck and were moving to Beverly, Hills that is.
Actually, these are 47"x42" 1 inch thick sheets of ply to be used for flooring and roofing and God’s knows what else. Severe tire sress
11-25-05 A quick once around and a long prayer……… Were ready for another adventure.
11-26-05 More Rasta Ridge Engineering Let’s just chain this load to a tree and drive away, OK…. Now how do we get the chain out?…. next trip.
11-26-05 We encountered heavy rain so we ducked into the PaceArrow Question to "MR.C", where’s the corkscrew? Answer, On top of Rasta Ridge….. More RRE. (Rasta Ridge Engineering)
11-25-05 John B, Son’s J Jr., T man and Baja Bellach visited us. Here’s Baja bending John’s B’s Ear, Baja road his motorcycle this cold rainy day, Hats off to the real riders.
11/05 Free wood from the yard in Planada. "Mr. C" and Steve slaved ½ day gathering wood that was destine for the landfill. This is our 1st trip to Planada place for supplies. Quick stop at base camp for refreshments before heading up the Ridge.
11/05 A Big pile of free materials . Stock piled at base camp, Things "Mr.C" has saved over the course of time. Note* The famous Corner sink. Maybe "Mr.C" hasn’t offered to show you this rare find.
11/05 Here’s the Rice straw bales we will use for the exterior walls. "Mr.C", Roger and Steve on a Wednesday after work awaited the delivery from Sacramento, Sacramento was the drivers name not the city. This load is 84 bales it came on a squeeze truck. It was quite the wild delivery.(No Pictures) Lot of stories.
I saw a bumper sticker that read, HAY IS OF HORSES STRAW IS FOR HOUSES.
11/05 First real work was to place pilings into position, we spaced them every 48" Note the pilings are in-place. (after ½ day of work placing them, we now know we didn’t need to do all that.) Here’s "MR.C" looking for his wineglass.
11-05 The first load of lumber from Planada being off loaded at the cabin site.
Also off to the right you can see the rock we’ll use as floor/back wall for the wood burning stove.
10/05 Here’s a collection of pictures our Good Friend Roger took when he and "Mr.C" took the first load of materials to Rasta Ridge.
11-05 Veterans day weekend "Mr.C" and I completed the first section.
11-05 a view from under. "Wow exciting" quote from Katie, Rasta Ridge is extremely rocky and in some cases we needed to cement our footing.
11-05 We judge our completed work by our recycle bin.
We have plans to use the wine bottles in the exterior walls to let in light.
11-05 A view early morning. Later we found out there was a fire causing all the haze. And a Great Sunset going home that evening.
11-05 "Mr.C" screwing around. "Hey Steve I cut it twice and it’s still too short"
Type some text.
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