Thursday, December 9, 2004
What a wierd day!
Now Playing: Living Dead Girl- Rob Zombie
Topic: Twister
Well I’m here at home duh! In class today 75(becky Ramirez) kept talking about Mr. Alien! Just so you know it’s the drama teacher her and her friends call him and alien! She said because along time ago like at the beginning of the year they were outside the room and he was “fixing” the radio and they heard all these weird noises it sounded weirder than that static noise! But anyway she’s soo funny! She’s a cool friend! Well anyway I was just here at home! O yea and since Mr. Uriegas had duty and we didn’t have golf till like umm 4:30 Ashley brought Twister! “Twister, the game that ties u up!” Well I always lost like in the 2nd round! Jennifer and Briana are really good at that game! O yea umm well I think that’s all! Later -JC
Friday, November 26, 2004
Now Playing: Wake Up (Make A Move)-Lost Prophets
Well I was reading my old AOL blog! I am so mad!! Well anyway since we don’t have AOL anymore and only AOL members can make a blog I cant make mine with my AIM screen name! So anyway I have this one at Angelfire! Soooo….but if you are still interested in viewing entries from it the link is on the side bar! You know where you put all the links look at the right of this page and you’ll find it! So last night we left my cousin at Mission! Ummmm……..I’m bored right now!! Also trying to remember if we had any homework!(?) O yea….yesterday was Thanxgivin Day. One thing that I don’t like at all is that we got Directv! I’m still trying to figure out which channel is which! I’m working on that and my dad got all the channels fixed meaning all the channels I watch! Ummm…..I guess that’s all for now! LATER
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Thanksgiving Day!
party time!
Now Playing: Demonoid Phenomenon-Rob Zombie
Topic: Turkey
Well tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day! Well it's the annual gatherings starting all over again! Just wait till Christmas! Our family has all these traditions we do! Well I got to go im working on my website! Later! Oh yea! I went to H-E-B and I kept bumping into alot of pplz from skool! Wierd!
P.S. The Little Beer Thingy Means Party Time! Not That I'm Gonna Drink!
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Saturday, November 20, 2004
hug me
Now Playing: Kashmir-Led Zeppelin
Topic: Sleeping Time
Well Im here and it's ten! I'm supposed to go to sleep cuz I'm sick! Moms COming G2G!
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