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Peridot Angels Order form

Please rush my order for the items I have requested. I am paying for this merchandise by: ____Money Order



Address ____________________________

City ________________________________

State & Zip __________________________

Phone( ) __________________

Email ________________________


Shipping & Handling Chart

These charges represent only part of the actual costs. We'll pay the rest. If your order is up to: 14.99......................................... add $ 4.05 from $15.00 to $19.99.................... add $ 4.35 from $20.00 to $24.99.....................add $ 4.65 from $25.00 to $29.99.....................add $ 5.45 from $30.00 to $34.99.....................add $ 6.05 from $35.00 to $39.99.....................add $ 7.00 from $40.00 to $44.99.....................add $ 7.80 from $45.00 to $49.99.....................add $ 8.60 over $50.00......................................add $ 9.10


Item No - Description - Qty - Price - Total Price


_Item #____-___Description ____ _-_Qty____-_Price_-___Total__











Merchandise Total $________

Sales Tax(if applicable) + ________

Shipping & Handling +________

Total amount enclosed $________