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WWF Rampage-Hasbro Figures

This page of rampage is for those of you who are interested in the WWF hasbro figures.These figures are now highly collectable as they are no longer made..those stupid titantron figures which are so cheesy are now out.But anywho without further do-I will show you a big picture of my personal collection of the WWF Hasbro figures...believe me they may look like alot but these arent even half of the series.I dont do trading or selling so dont email me for deals.I would never get rid of these are they are always for my rampage remembrance and took a long time to get,some I have had for years.Certain figures are worth alot of money going maybe into the hundreds digit.But dont be fooled,dont get a loose toy with marks and scratches all over it and think its worth anything...the loose toys are worth about 1/4 of the On Card price.So for instance if the Hulk Hogan toy is worth $100.00(which its not,just using a superstars name purely concidental)Then the loose,clean and not messed up condition is worth $15-$25.I dont know for sure as i'm not expert,go to the links page for info sites on the wwf hasbro figures and how much they are worth.Well,i am gathering new pics to put up for your still trying to collect the whole set,god its bad that i only have about 20 out of the hundreds made.

The Link Below is for everyone to sign...its a petition to get bobby the brain heenan back in the wwf...this is going to be sent to WWFE so please sign and spread the word we need brain back!Click On The "Help Bring Back Bobby Heenan Link.
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