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WWF Rampage-Superstars

Updated- April 20th,2002

This section of WWF Rampage is for you people who werent interested in wrestling and now are or just a newcomer to wrestling or newcoming to the time era of Rampage.It has short bios and pics of the superstars and the time.Not all the superstars are here however,but we will update often and put more and more superstars on the site for your rampage pleasure.

Ricky The Dragon Steamboat-

This guy was fantastic,a great wrestler and a great fan favorite.His most memorable match was by far at Wrestlemania III when he battled Macho King Randy Savage.He pleased the fans with his great dragon gimmick,while giving them a great wrestling match at the same time.Whenever he came to the ring,he would blow fire in the air,as a dragon does,and he had a great costume,Ricky Steamboat himself was in the business for about 20 years maybe,not exactly sure,but is surely a veteran in the ring which makes him even more fun to watch.Heres a picture of his fire breathing.
Papa Shango-

Papa Shango was a scary figure.Me being a kid at the time of the rampage era,Papa Shango would come out to the ring with voodoo skulls and a freaky ring attire,now he wasnt a horror movie type scary,in fact now he isnt scary at all.But at the rampage time,the WWF was more of a comical show and made the people think the characters were all real and they did just that with Papa Shango.He was a big man when it comes to weight and is now known as the godfather in WWF.He was pretty sloppy and slow so he was a bad wrestler but with feuds with such wrestlers as the undertaker and the ultimate warrior he was entertaining as any wrestler was entertaining more or less in the rampage era.If you didnt know,the WWFs fans appreciated what the WWF were doing for them,so everything was great,fun and exciting.Any move was big and any character was fun.Papa Shango is still good in his career of wrestling as he is now the Right To Censor Goodfather,best known as the stupid Pimping Godfather.Excuse my hatred for him as i hate mostly everything now and days in wrestling.Here are some pictures of the mysterious and scary Papa Shango.
El Matador Tito Santana-

Tito Santana,probably one of the most gifted veterans who knew pure wrestling 100%.Tito Santana was originally named and wrestled as himself,Tito Santana. But slowly after comical gimmicks were the fun thing,his character died out,so he then recieved the gimmick of El Matador.El Matador was a bull fighter and was a nice,clean Fan Favorite who was a lower/mid carder.He had feuds with such as Repo Man and Money Inc.He wasnt too over with the fans when it comes to excitement and character,but his name and veteran years with the WWF got him over.Here are a few pics of El Matador,tito santana himself.

Nailz came to the WWF in 1992,and was a huge giant specimen.He didnt really have any skills in wrestling and didnt really get over well with the fans,but just looking at this monster was scary and exciting enough.This guy came to the WWF after being released from Cobb County Jail,where he served 'hard time'.Now the fan favorite Big Bossman worked at Cobb County Jail as a Cop/Officer.Nailz came to the WWF with a reason-He apparently said/blamed the bossman for beating and torturing him while he was in jail and wanted revenge.So basically Nailz wanted one thing-To Take Big Bossman out-and not just out of the WWF,for good,for life,forever!Now here is a picture of this monster!

Now this man is really a manbeast,a monster, and physical specimen who was very underrated with the fans.You see,before coming to the WWF,the warlord and his ex-partner Barbarian,who also was in the WWF at the time,were in a tag team called the powers of pain,they dominated the indy and AWA scene,winning numerous tag team titles,then being scouted by the creative team in the WWF and then getting contracts. The team was going great,being top heels in the tag teams competition,feuding with the top faces,Demolition.The team even did a big match with demolition at Wrestlemania 5.Shortly after that the team pretty much died and went their separate ways.Barbarian went with the brain bobby heenan,but Warlord went with slick,a manager who was just that,slick.Warlord was a big time heel in the lower card matches.He wasnt over too much with the crowd overall,but when it came match time he definetly got the fans booing and mouth attention.The warlord was shortly released and wrestled independents,and later was paralyzed and now is wheelchaired for life after a car accident.Heres some pictures to explain how much of a monster and physical specimen he was.

This guy was a lower card worker who was released just very shortly of his signing..he couldnt do anything to get fans mad,angry,happy,etc. Dont get me wrong he did have wrestling skills,(by wrestling skills I mean wrestling,not hardcore style,etc.)He was involved in little matches with jobbers not even signed to WWF,he was more or less one of those lower card workers good to get a face over more or less helping pushes,title defenses etc. His gimmick was probably the problem,as he was born and raised in the swamps,fighting alligators and animals for survival,food and fun.I would have to think his biggest match was with the late Owen Hart at Wrestlemania 8.He still wrestles under his real name,Steve Keirn.Heres a picture of this 'swamp thing'.

Lex Luger

Lex Luger began in WCW...later in his career circa 1992 he came to the WWF,he was presented and introduced by none other then Bobby Heenan.He was nicknamed 'The Narcissist',and was a cocky,arrogant wrestler who loved to show off his body.But unlike many,this man could back up what he said,he could brag about his skills in wrestling because quite frankly,he did have wrestling skills at the time.He played a mid card heel who brang giant mirrors to the ring looking at himself before the match.He had a few feuds with Tatanka and Mr.Perfect before turning into one of the biggest faces in the company alongside with the undertaker and bret hart in 1993.I have pics of him and his skit titled 'The Lex Express' which he drove around a tour bus for about a month from arena to arena until reaching the place where Summerslam 1993 was held.It was sort of a diary segment where they showed him in the bus sleeping,cooking,having fun etc. And occasionally would join fans and play with them and support them as he was the real american type gimmick.He played a role similiar to hulk hogan but wasnt as popular.He had about 6 or 7 main event matches then slowly dropping where he then went back to WCW..he still wrestles but he isnt in his prime anymore and isnt as exciting.He also doesnt have a federation with him as the new and unimproved wcw didnt offer him a contract,big mistake.None the less here are pictures of the american made Lex Luger celebrating and joining with fans and fellow superstars!Also is a picture of the lex express bus.

Money Inc.

Money Inc. was a sucessful heel tag team throughout the 1991-1993 years,it consisted of Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase,who created and formed money inc.,because without him in money inc wouldnt be right,as he was the richest heel character at the time.DiBiase found success in this team and singles competition as well,as he held the tag team belts with his money inc partner I.R.S on more then 1 occasion.He was intercontinental champion too.Irwin R. Schyster was the other half of the team.He was formerly known as his real name in the WWF in earlier years,Mike Rotunda.He was a great mat wrestler and was scientific with real wrestling.He is considered to most now and days boring,because he does what fans dont see too often,wrestling.He found the most success out of his long career in this team and when released went to WCW as Michael Wallstreet,he now wrestles in Japan.DiBiase was also later released and also joined WCW as a manager/commentator and last seen at the i-generation wrestling pay per view as color commentator.He also does occasional autograph signings and had/has (not sure)a wrestling federation of his own.Jimmy hart did manage this team to success,as he managed most heel teams in the WWF.Hart also later was aligned with WCW. Heres a picture of one of the most arrogant tag teams in the WWF Rampage time,DiBiase is on right with lighter hair,IRS is on left with darker hair and glasses,hart is in the far back with long black hair with glasses.

"The Model"Rick Martel

The model rick martel was a great techinical/mat wrestler and was in a great tag team,Strike force along with Tito Santana inthe early 80's.After that gimmick and team he was later known as the model,a cocky,arrogant,conceided wrestler who wore buttons that said,"yes,i am a model" and wore sunglasses with that.He was a lower card heel,and was popular with the fans,as they loved to hate this so called model.He made many TV and PPV appearences in his Succesful run as the model,but later was released in 1994,but he basically was last seen in 1993 by WWF,as 1994,they hardly used alot of the wrestlers did,when he was released he joined the WCW where he did find a reign as TV champion,but hey we aint here to talk about WCW,heres pictures of the so called "model".

Shawn Michaels

The heartbreak kid shawn michaels began his WWF career as a tag team with partner marty jannetty called the rockers.They were a cool+highly talented fan favorite team in the late 80's early 90's.After there reign as a good tag team,Shawn Michaels turned on Jannetty,thus separating the team.Michaels threw Jannetty through a window then making way for his singles career,which wasnt a mistake.First he played a great and big time mid carder heel managed by Sensational Sherri.Then he went different ways with Sherri and joined forces with Diesel,his bodyguard.After that he went on to win all major titles the WWF had.(European,Intercontinental and Tag Team Titles,Along with World Title)But at the rampage era he played a heel who feuded with Razor Ramon and the likes of Crush,Mr.Perfect,Bret Hart,etc. and of course marty jannetty.He is now considered to some the most popular and best entertainer in the wrestling business today.Look at some pictures of the heartbreak kid himself,large and in charge as he would say.


Demolition,one of the most popular tag teams worldwide were very popular for their make up and spike clothing styles,they started in the business in the late 70's early 80's sometime around there,being managed in the WWF by the strange and hated Mr.Fuji.They werent very popular at the time,as Ax of demoliton was known as masked superstar and smash who had the most amount of gimmicks in the WWF next to brutus the barber beefcake was known as either barry darsow,smash or masked superstar #2 at the time,i dont know for sure.But around 1989 (circa-wrestlemania 5) was when they were big feuding with the powers of pain,later feuding with other great tag teams such as the hart foundation,nasty boys,L.O.D and others.Later in the years Crush aka Brian Adams joined,but shortly went his own ways as a big time face,who also went through many changes in his career,down dropping in the later 90's,resurfacing in WCW as Brian adams of kronik and earlier in NWO,but of course his best times were withing the rampage.They are easily recognized and will forever be remember in my opinion and others,as one of the best of the rampage era tag teams.Here is a picture of ax and smash being interviewed by Sean (left,short haired) and smash (right,long haired),together forming demolition....

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