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Pyrate Showcase

Our pyrate showcase includes an array of sea shanties and bawdy tunes of days gone by, as well as humorous salty forbidders of sea-farin tales, and all presented in an Olde Tavern setting. Witness the outcome of a mutiny when the crew challenges the Captain for control. Where swashbuckling sword fights with black powder pistols figure prominently and when a good flogging with the cat-o-nine-tales is not out of the question for the mutinous dogs. Audience participation will be a highlight of your event when you share the pictures you'll be taking after you've been photographed posing for a flogging by the Ship's Quartermaster. And he is a man what enjoys his work!!!! Credits Our credits reflect the popularity for this unique type of entertainment and the variety that it offers to the general public on a year-round basis. Among our many pyratical adventures, we have worked for The A&E Cable Network for the promotion of the TV mini-series "Horatio Hornblower" in Miami; The Mel Fisher Museum in Key West, and the filming of a documentary for the children's European television series, "Was Ist Was..."

Our Festival credits include "Pirates in Paradise in the Florida Keys held every November, The Fort Myers Beach Pirate Festival in Fort Myers Beach held every Columbus Day weekend. We will also be performing at Fishermen's Village In Punta Gorda, Florida on September 12th for the Fishermen's Village Pirate Days Festival.

Please feel free to contact at anytime to inquire about The Pyrates of Tortuga and how we can enhance your upcoming event.
Phone: 305-481-1944 or 941-237-1397 or email us at or