You are boating far out at sea; you have a rough idea where you are when a sudden fog mist comes in out of no where. Thinking umm, where did this come from and now really nervously with the fact you can’t see where you are going you slow the engine down and float to where the current will take you. After what seems like forever, you see a giant shape looming ahead of you in the fog. You freeze and then realize it is just a giant arch way. Giant Archway!? In the middle of the OCEAN!? Ok now you are spooked out of your mind. You turned back to late to see what was witted on the purplish rock crystal arch. Now the fog in finally clearing and instead of seeing ocean like you thought you would you sea you are heading for a cove of a giant island. Another few arch ways are lining the opening. Alternating from crystal purple to blue and back again. Once in the cove you spot a shape far up away from the water and a path. Once the boat is on shore and you at least remembered to bring rope, peg and a hammer, so you could secure your boat. You start heading up the path from the water, which is lined with purple and purple blossom trees. You ignore this fact not sure if there is such a think as blue blossoms and not wanting to get the goose bumps more present then they already are. The path you follow starts out sand and slowly turns to a forest dirt path. After ten minutes or more, you not sure the path opens onto a glorious stable. The dirt path carries right on through the archway which you read this time, it reads, ‘Raielle’s Secret Cove Stables.’ You decide to wait and see if anyone comes before entering the white fenced in front yard with the stable and paddocks to the back. After another 10minutes you decide it will be ok to enter. Following the path to the stable yard and house is lined with beautiful flower gardens which are alive with millions of butterflies. There has to like 50 or more of all colors, types and shapes. You are surprised when one that was flying around you lands on your shirt. Since you are so distracted by the insect crawling on you and moving its wings around you don’t hear or see the girl that in the stable yard ahead. “Hello, there,” says a friendly cheerful voice. Your head snaps up to see a purple haired girl smiling at you and waving. She comes towards you and stops a few feet in front, “Hi, I am Raielle. It’s nice to meet you.” The without another word she starts walking away, “If you want to meet my friends follow me.” With that you can’t help but smile and follow her, your little butterfly friend no sitting on your shoulder. Updates: August 10, 2009, was accepted!^^ So now, this is an official stable!