
  • Taken When I'm alone with you
    My heart feels safe
    When our fingers accidentally touch
    I want just one taste
    My hands tremble
    To be held by yours
    Inside I ache
    To feel so much more
    I don't want to think
    About what's right & wrong
    I want to take a plunge
    Kiss me hard & long
    I wish you'd found me sooner
    Then I wouldn't be taken
    Perfect bliss at my fingertips
    Yet I'm still forsaken
    Please rescue me
    Sweep me off my feet
    I need you to take me over
    Come inside so I'm complete
    You don't need to be shy
    I'm inviting you into my soul
    Don't be afraid to fly
    You've already filled the hole
    I don't feel empty anymore
    When you're talking to me with your eyes
    I don't want anymore
    You make me so happy I could cry

  • Yo
    Looking into your eyes
    I'm lost in oceans of green
    Drowning silently in your soul
    Knowing a beauty I've never seen
    There's truth in your hands
    As they entwine with mine
    There's a joy so pure
    Erupting deep inside
    Your lips make love to my skin
    I could stay this way for hours
    The delicate sensations passing between us
    This beautiful world is ours
    Letting you inside me
    I know I'll never want again
    You've completed me
    There's nothing more to pretend

  • Ice
    It began to snow on a sunny day
    And you lost your way
    White crystals outlining your shape
    The sight of you I can't escape
    I wrenched my arm free
    Asking why you won't let me be
    Your hands were icy cold
    Your eyes told me what could never be told
    The frost clinged to your eyelashes
    The ice froze our passion
    Somewhere back in time
    We created a rhyme
    In the warmth of the sun
    With all our battles won
    Our priorities met
    Out promises kept
    Now in this blistering chill
    Our hearts are still
    Joining our frozen breath
    Like a sudden death
    Your mouth melts in mine
    And everything's fine
    Yet soon it will end
    And deeper we'll descend
    Into that thick ice
    That forever made us think twice

  • This Matters
    Why do I feel like I'm supposed to be with you
    Whenever I'm with you?
    Why do I hear a voice saying
    That I'm finally through with playing?
    You're the most unlikely one
    I almost want to run
    Yet I can't turn away
    Because I know I've never felt this way
    My feelings are coming from somewhere else
    Suddenly I don't even know myself
    You're unfamilliar yet comfortable
    In a way I never knew was plausible
    I'm afraid to say yes
    But I can't confess
    I can't recognize how I feel
    And that's what makes me think this is real
    I'm so curious to find out
    If you are what I'm really about
    My courage is unsteady
    I don't know when I'll be ready
    But please wait
    You just may be my fate

  • Never
    You'll never say never
    You'll never understand
    Why you'll never win with me
    Why I'll always stand
    You'll preach about art
    Waiting for my applause
    Yet it will never come
    Until you justify your cause
    I'll never say never
    I still have faith
    Yet you'll never be strong enough
    To disregard chaste

  • Delayed Shock
    When tragedy strikes
    It takes her longer for the shock to set in
    Yet when it does
    It's impossible to rid
    Her mind is taken over
    By "what-ifs" and regret
    And she's haunted by
    The things she should have said
    She can't recover as quickly as others
    Because her heart is greater than mostSo when she loses anything or anyone
    The pain stays unbearably close
    This plague plays with her thoughts
    And the result is pure insanity
    She begins to feel confused
    And can't tell the difference between reality & fantasy
    Sometimes her dreams are so tempting
    That she'll believe they've come true
    Just to ease the heartache
    Yet no one has a clue
    When she recovers
    She cannot remember her mistakes
    And when brought to her attention
    She claims they're all fake
    Such a sad sight to see
    A beautiful girl in trouble
    Over and over she doesn't see
    How her world will always crumble

  • War
    While you're picking your battles
    And choosing your enemies
    I'm the only one who'll cry
    And drop to my knees
    When you're happy
    And completely satisfied
    I'm the one who'll tear you down
    And make sure your contentment's died
    When you feel like the world is against you
    And are overcome with sorrow
    I'm the one who'll laugh
    And taunt you till tomorrow
    While you are tossing and turning in your best
    Running from your nightmares
    I'm the one you're running from
    Because I'm the only one who cares
    While you pick me apart
    And try to hurt my feelings
    I'm the one who's indifferent
    While making you question your meanings
    When you've finally given up
    And don't care anymore
    I'm the one who'll hold you
    Because we're both addicted to this war

  • Desperation
    If you could feel my desperation
    Would things change?
    If you could see the lengths I've gone to
    Would it calm your rage?
    If it ached in your every bone
    Could you give up?
    If my lips ever met yours
    Would that be enough?
    If you knew who your destiny was
    Could you say no?
    If your heart was theirs too
    Could you ever let them know?
    If you acted on your desire
    Would it go over the top?
    And if you touched my skin
    Could we ever stop?

  • Tyler
    Today you want me
    Tomorrow you'll hate me
    Make up your goddamn mind
    Before I lose mine
    What are you so scared of?
    Falling in love?
    Well, I am too!
    So what the hell should we do??
    Am I only meant to be your dream?
    Are we always going to be inbetween?
    You lead me on
    You so subtly turn me on
    Then you leave me in the cold
    Without you to hold
    Can't you see that I'm just playing YOUR game?
    Because I know it drives you insane
    We're both stubborn and mean
    Our love for each other usually goes unseen
    I only hurt you because I love you
    What ELSE do you expect me to do?!

  • Star-Crossing
    We aren't meant to be
    There are so many things you don't know about me
    We're too alike to get along
    We're too stubborn to admit what we're feeling is wrong
    Your cocky attitude drives me up the wall
    I'm afraid to admit I like you at all
    I'm usually so confident and cool
    But around you I act like a fool
    Whenever we're close I hold my breath
    I'm more scared of losing control than death
    I try so hard to resist the urge to touch you
    If I risk it, there's so much I could lose
    When I feel your eyes wanting me
    I can feel you throughout my entire body
    I'd like to drown in your beautiful blue eyes
    Explore your skin and make you sigh
    I want you so bad
    And the fact I can't have you makes me sad
    The tension between us is so thick
    Dreaming about you day and night makes me sick
    Why can't I tell you how I feel?
    Why am I one of the lucky few you think are real?
    We're so alike
    But we constantly fight
    What does this mean?
    Can this ever really be??
    You're so sophisticated and smart
    I'd love to let you into my heart
    I could show you so many things
    Who knows what the future will bring?
    Did you break up with her because of me?
    Won't she kill us if we...?
    I distract you and intrigue you
    You do the same to me too
    Do you have any idea how much I want to end all this complication?
    In a hot impulsive second we'd give into this temptation
    I want you to stop fighting it and just take me
    Why can't it be that easy??

  • Shy
    Your virgin lips
    I want to feel you rise
    And open your eyes
    I'd let you touch all my mysterious places
    I'd stroke you until your heart races
    I'd let you cure your curiousity
    I'd give you all my generosity
    You could taste me anywhere
    You could travel as far as you dare
    I'd touch your skin
    I'd make you give in
    You wouldn't ask why
    You'd forget to be shy
    You would give up all your defenses
    I'd break down all your fences
    I want to watch you tremble with anticipation
    I want to hold all your occupation
    I want to watch you, nervous and awkward
    I want you to feel the power
    All your quiet snobbiness aside
    I want you to slip inside
    I'll take you in and make you like it
    We'll be a perfect fit
    All your sweet innocence
    Will be blown away with a single kiss
    Upon your virgin lips
    You'll no longer be shy
    You won't ask why
    You'll feel me
    You'll see all of me
    I'll corrupt you all I like
    And you'll be begging for it all night
    I'll take you on a ride
    And by the time we're finished
    You'll be mine

  • New
    You're different.
    You're new.
    There's so much mystery,
    So many things we've yet to do.
    Testing new waters,
    Finding comfort in your arms...
    I think I'm finally free
    From his harm...
    But somehow I miss him anyway,
    Because you and I don't connect the way we did.
    Every partner will obviously be different,
    But you seem so timid.
    Please be patient-
    Changing from fire to water is hard.
    I'm not sure who I am,
    Or who you are.
    I'm just trying to be happy-
    I want to be strong.
    I'm vulnerable and too dependent.
    Don't tell me I'm wrong.
    All I want is everything-
    Is that too much to ask?
    I've found this newfound braveness...
    Is it just a mask?
    I want to move on,
    And get on with my love life.
    Of course my feelings for you are reluctant-
    Look what happened last time!
    Do you want all this emotional baggage?
    Because if you want me,
    It comes along with the package.

  • Each Other
    A whisper in the dark
    Echoes through our fate.
    Two flaming hearts
    Trapped in it's cold cage.
    Reach for the stars
    And die in it's bitter rage.
    We walk against the wind,
    Though we're afraid of what we'll face.
    We've comitted a sin
    With the power we raise.
    Two souls lit
    Into one wave.
    Harsh reality abandons us-
    Leaving us cold,
    With only each other's arms
    To distinguish us
    From the world's mold.

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