Satisfactory Writings

The following writings are the only ones that *I* believe are pretty damn good. Considering I'm not all that impressed with my writing ability at times, it's a BIG DEAL for me to admit these poems are good!

  • Broken Wings
    I'm holding onto nothing
    When there's nothing left to lose
    I've suffered a thousand times over
    Yet you still haven't paid your dues
    When I met you
    My happiness was born
    When you let me down
    My soul was torn
    I grew to love you
    But you wouldn't let me in
    I held onto my pride
    Believing you'd give in
    It's time to realize
    What hides deep inside your eyes
    Your promises and kind words
    Were nothing more than a disguise
    You made our relationship
    Nothing more than a compromise
    It was wrong to hurt you
    But you've taken this too far
    You've left me in a flood of utter despair
    And now I don't know who you are
    I let you consume me so many times
    That's why this treatment is so unfair
    I gave you my everything
    You never contributed your share
    My love goes right through you
    You never felt a thing
    My heart bleeds in response
    I'm left on broken wings
    I wouldn't let myself believe
    That you could possibly leave
    You never tried or so it seems
    As you now leave me behind
    I'm stunned in shock and disbelief
    Your cold heart still wrapped around mine
    What kind of love keeps me hanging on
    Despite everything it's done to me
    I have nothing to give now
    Except misery
    You won't take me back
    You rejected me
    My life is an empty space to fill
    It's where you should be
    I'm probably better off without you
    But now that you're gone I'm vacant
    I'm lonely and numb realizing
    I was taken
    You seemed like my angel
    Softer than a sigh
    Now I look at you
    And the devil's in your eyes
    Still I miss you terribly
    It aches in my every bone
    Why won't you let me come with you
    It's no good to leave alone
    I'd pin you down
    Kiss you harder than ever
    Then you'd be missing my beauty
    You'd regret your decision forever
    That is
    If you already don't
    But you're so cold
    That you probably won't
    Now we're separated
    Across a painful divide
    All I can do is pray
    That these wounds will heal over time
    I can't go back
    But I miss you
    And I won't go back
    But I love you

  • Without Your Warmth
    I can't die
    But I can't live
    As long as you are you
    My life cannot shift
    I can still feel the warmth of your body
    My hand is still clasped in yours
    Nothing is real yet
    Yet I tremble to the core
    There is no warmth in memories
    There is only warmth in you
    It's always your hands, your eyes, your lips
    I want nothing new
    You're all that's familliar, all I know
    Nothing makes sense without you
    I abused my power
    Now I'll always live with the regret
    I'll take your warmth to my grave
    Where I can finally rest
    Yet I cannot rest right now
    Without your voice
    Whispering sweet nothings in my ears
    Knowing you're my boy
    You were all I ever needed
    This will never end
    Not for me
    I cannot forget what's been
    Pieces of you die every day
    And I collect your remains
    I hold them in my heart
    With a force I can't contain
    You were so beautiful
    I loved you so much
    You exist, you live, you breathe
    Yet without me
    I don't want to live in a world where that's possible
    I just don't want to be
    No more
    Without your warmth

  • Water
    My bitter tears
    Form a pool of sorrow.
    The water is clear,
    Lined with floating flowers.
    It calls to me,
    As I dive into my own grief.
    My mind is translucent-
    Clean of you so I can breathe.
    I shimmer across the water-
    Flowing and free.
    The sun shines through your words,
    And you can't touch me.
    Your thoughtless ways
    That cause my senseless pain,
    Have vanished...
    Only until the rain.
    The immense water ripples,
    As I try to find the shore.
    My spirit falls a little,
    When I realize what I chose to ignore.
    I see your reflection,
    So peaceful and serene.
    I begin to run,
    Realizing all along,
    It was me.

  • Innocence Lost
    Crumpled pieces of paper
    Flutter to the ground,
    As a child cries-
    Praying to be found.
    Soft fabric beneath hungry fingers
    Stretches to fall away.
    Coolness devours skin,
    But the warmth takes it away.
    Emotion shakes within
    Like tremendous thunder.
    Coming undone at the seams,
    Her world of baby dolls sinks under.
    Pain seeps out the eyes,
    And heat spreads through the veins.
    Achingly full of another's soul,
    Yet feeling empty, she drains...
    Lying naked and alone,
    Draped in a sheet of finality.
    He slips out of her life,
    All that's left is the child's fatality.
    No longer so full,
    Now left alone...
    The first adult feeling
    She's ever known.

  • Beauty
    Beauty is the quality of being very pleasing in looks, color, form, or etc. *I* believe that beauty is a perfectness from within that can be felt and seen through someone's outward apperance, and creates a feeling inside the onlooker that is both trancelike and spellbinding.
    I find children extremely beautiful. They're so innocent and full of hope. Their eyes are always filled with wonder, their minds always so eager to learn. Children remind you of what's important and what a true gift life really is. Looking at them alone make your heart swell because they're like angels- so pure and absolute.
    Music is beautiful. It expresses everything that cannot be seen or spoken. Listening to music paints an invisible landscape of beauty all around you. Even though you cannot see it, the sound of music is more overpowering than sight. It achieves a sense of peace inside, along with beauty as well.
    I think love is beautiful also. It is an amazing gift that when given or received immerses you in beauty and emotion. When someone is in love, it's beyond noticeable. Lovers beam radiantly- it's like a magnificent light has been turned on inside of them. Being loved makes you feel beautiful inside and out, and loving someone else is like finding a missing piece of yourself. The ability to love is extraordinary and beautiful.
    The saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" means that there are no guidelines to what beauty can be and cannot be. everyone posesses a different view on what beauty means to them. Beauty is everchanging.

  • Your Chance
    You disappeared
    As fast as you came
    Like a bolt of lightning
    That struck my soul
    In a way I've never experienced before
    The short time we shared together
    I will always remember
    Because you were mine
    No one could ever tell me otherwise
    I felt you inside
    Now you're gone
    And I'll never know your name
    Only that you were a part of me
    But I was on a different page
    I couldn't skip ahead fast enough
    To read the very ending
    But now that you've left I wish I had
    I'm sorry I never gave you the chance

  • Polite
    For a second
    I didn't care
    For a moment
    It seemed fair
    We could go back
    I can pretend
    We can hold our breath
    My heart can mend
    A lapse of judgement
    Ruined our chances
    No more roses
    Or forbidden dances
    You hurt me with love
    And you failed
    I wanted out
    So I bailed
    Now we're polite
    Yet looking at you aches
    But I'll remain ambivalent
    For as long as it takes

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