The Ex Files : Mike

  • Passion
    I love how your arms feel
    Wrapped around me tightly
    How your head rests against my chest
    And the way your fingers trace my curves so lightly
    You make me laugh
    You make me forget all the bad stuff
    But all this kissing in corners and touching in secret places
    Is not enough
    We've loved each other for years
    We always end up back together
    After all this time
    And all the storms we've weathered
    You can't stay away from me
    No matter how hard you try
    And I can't resist you
    Cuz this attraction will never die
    Your blue eyes are Heaven on Earth
    You're my home away from home
    How can I ever forget the passion we've shared
    That still aches in my every bone?
    When I run my fingers through your silky blonde hair
    I forget where I am
    When you stroke my skin
    Our lust is all I am
    I let you carry me away
    And make love to my soul
    You're the most comforting man
    I've ever known
    You make me feel safe
    Your strong body shelters me from the world
    I could spend eternity in the arms
    Of the man who took my pearl
    I love our friendship
    Your loyalty is something I'll always admire
    I love our relationship too
    You make me overwhelmed with desire
    You make me believe in the moon
    But most of all you set me on fire

  • I Don't Care
    I don't care if I'm wrong
    I've waited too long
    I don't care if you're a lousy boyfriend
    At least you're helping my heart mend
    I don't care if it's all about sex
    Right now nothing else makes sense
    I don't care if this is a mistake
    It's a risk I'm willing to take
    I don't care if I'm being blunt
    After all, you were my first love
    I don't care if things aren't the same
    I'm not the only one to blame
    I don't care what you think of me now
    It's the only way I know how
    I don't care if I'm out-of- line
    I've already been yours and you've already been mine
    I don't care if it's not true
    The only option left is you
    I don't care if it isn't lady- like
    You're the safest bet there is, Mike
    I don't care if it will hurt me
    I just need someone to love me
    I don't care if I'm nervous or scared
    This is the worst pain I've ever bared
    I don't care if it's the wrong way
    At least this loneliness will go away
    I don't care if it's all about sex
    Right now nothing else makes any sense

  • Habit
    You're a habit I can't break
    You're a habit I can't take
    Your famillar touch
    Is still too much
    Your face, your eyes
    Is still what I seek to find
    Obsession can't be healthy
    And our love is unhealthy
    Yet still you stir my every emotion
    You took my pearl
    And rocked my world
    You're like home to me
    In your arms is where my heart will always be
    I want this to stay
    And not go away
    I want us to put our feet down and SCREAM that this is real
    So I know I'm not just imagining what I feel
    You're a habit I can't break
    And you're a habit I can't take

  • Early Morning
    In the early morning
    You come to me
    Hiding in the shadows
    Waiting for me
    In the darkness
    You don't seem real
    Your blue eyes glow in the night
    And I can't describe what I feel
    I watch you intently
    It's our secret game
    I quietly find you in the darkness
    In the early morning we're not the same
    I let your hands explore my heart
    I hold you tight
    We quietly move in the blackness
    Hiding under the cloak of night
    Hushed and silent
    As we blend together
    You tickle my skin
    Your lips light as a feather
    You disappear back into the shadows
    I go back to sleep
    You walk away through the woods
    As the willow trees weep

  • Inhuman
    He can't be human.
    No one is that weird.
    If there was another one of him,
    They'd be greatly feared.
    You laugh uneasily
    When you see him in the hall,
    As "what the hell--"
    Echoes off the walls.
    Which mask is Mr. Mysterious wearing?
    Who is he trying to be today?
    Does he really think he's Elvis,
    Or is it all just play?
    When he wears his swim suit,
    On a cold winter day,
    Does he do it for attention?
    Or has he truly lost his way?
    "What's wrong with him", they ask,
    As he creeps by in black...
    He must be joking, they laugh,
    After he hears the gossip behind his back...
    As he "pretends" to attack.
    Did they ever think there could be a reason?
    A shady past perhaps?
    He can be anything he wants to be,
    Because he's an expert on avoiding the traps-
    The traps of anyone and anything that can reject him.
    So why not act bizarre, and keep those dangerous people one hesitant step away?
    Is it beginning to make sense?
    That's right- he's not an alien, psychotic, or gay-
    He's just a mess...
    From something so traumatic that you could never relate.
    And don't you feel stupid now?
    For simply seeing something you didn't understand and jumping to hate?
    "Weirdos" are the most understanding, interesting creatures in the world,
    But I guess you wouldn't know. Because you're one of THEM-
    One of our foes.

  • Poem #5599
    I kiss your lips,
    And enjoy your hands upon me.
    The world has become incredibly small,
    The only ones existing are you and me.
    I touch your lovely skin,
    Feeling exhilirated and beautiful.
    You ask me the usual question-
    Excitement makes your eyes radiant and full.
    I reply with a yes,
    And the world begins moving faster.
    You scoop me up into your arms,
    As I drown in delighted laughter.
    Kissing me softly,
    You lay me on the ground,
    With no thoughts of the future within us.
    I can barely hear a sound.
    You lean over me,
    Suddenly I feel as if I can fall.
    So I grip your shoulders and stare into your eyes-
    I'm not nervous at all.
    You gently touch my cheek,
    Then step inside.
    An intense, fiery pain erupts within my body.
    The hurt causes blackness to explode behind my eyes,
    I dig my heels into the ground...
    And prepare to die.
    You whisper sweetness in my ears,
    As I try not to cry.
    You hush my moans with your words,
    And tenderly kiss my lips one at a time.
    You relax me little by little-
    I realize the decision is mine.
    I smile and you return the favor.
    I run my hands through your tousled hair.
    The tip of your nose is touching mine,
    And you make me feel safe because you care.
    I nod and you continue,
    The pain has faded into an ache.
    A numb sense of relief runs through my body,
    Pleasure pumps through my veins.
    When you go,
    You bury your face in my neck.
    Suddenly the power of it all,
    Hits us with it's entire effect.
    We feel warmer than ever.
    Our skin perfectly one.
    Our hearts beat together...
    After a labor of love.

  • Used
    I don't love you.
    I don't believe I ever did.
    Looking at you,
    I see nothing but a kid.
    I settled for you
    Because I thought no one else would settle for me.
    I glorified everything you did,
    So we'd sound meant to be.
    I ignored the problems-
    I made myself believe I was in love.
    But there was plenty missing-
    Your kisses weren't enough.
    The way you touched me
    Somehow felt wrong.
    Your hands felt dirty against my skin.
    Your tongue felt dirty in my mouth.
    I gave you everyhing you wanted,
    But you never returned the favor.
    I vowed to discuss it with you,
    But always put it off till later.
    I couldn't tell you...
    I was afraid you'd leave...
    There'd be no more hugs and kisses-
    No one strong enough to hold me.
    I can't give you up-
    What if you're the only one that will ever care?
    I'm scared no one will love me
    Without the mask I wear.
    I try to look at other boys,
    But they all remind me of you.
    When you say you love me,
    I can't tell if you're telling the truth.
    You were my first kiss, my first date-
    The first and the only...
    You were my first everything-
    Without you I'm doomed to feel lonely.
    But I don't love you,
    Because my heart and soul tells me you're not the answer...
    But I sidestep these feelings,
    Like a careful dancer.
    Pretending something I don't feel
    Makes me shallow and confused.
    But I don't even know if you'd be upset,
    If you realized you were being used....
    Because there's always that question that lingers in my mind,
    And haunts me.
    The thought makes me miserable, but I deserve it-
    Maybe you're also using me.

  • Stubborn
    I can't help but pretend
    That I don't care.
    This is your game,
    And I'm just being fair.
    If you don't need me,
    Then fine, I won't need you.
    I'll always pretend,
    I'm just as unattatched as you.
    You get my hopes up so high,
    Then let me down again.
    You love me so carelessly and fast,
    I wonder where your heart's went.
    So why do I always come back?
    And give in to this lust?
    I have faith in our love-
    It's you I can't trust.
    I can't say no to second chances,
    Because you just never know.
    Maybe next time it won't end in pain-
    Maybe next time I won't say no.
    I can't help but pretend,
    That I don't love you.
    You give me no reason to believe,
    That you'll ever stay true.
    You disappoint me time and time again.
    Then suddenly you're a dream.
    You're perfect and kind,
    And you truly love me.
    Then it begins to crumble,
    As fast as it came.
    I've gone through it so many times,
    And it always ends the same.
    I love you but pretend,
    I don't cry or feel any pain.
    Maybe if you knew
    How I really felt...
    ...but how could I do that?
    I'm just kidding myself.

  • Together
    Fingers entwined.
    A soft touch.
    Your heart is beating against mine,
    I feel so much.
    The softness of your hair.
    The way your eyes look into mine,
    How much you care.
    The way we bind.
    A brush across the lips,
    And an oh-so-sweet smile,
    As we take a slow sip,
    Then pause for a while.
    Intoxicated by intensity,
    Breathing in each other's breath...
    We don't seem to be reality,
    Like we've died a peaceful death.
    If it's true,
    Let us be as this forever.
    And whatever we do,
    Let us do it together.

  • Tell Me
    Lay your hand on my soul,
    Then tell me how I feel.
    Wipe my tears away,
    Then tell me if they're real.
    Read my thoughts,
    Then tell me if they're right.
    Hold my heart in your hands,
    Then tell me what lies in your sight.
    Tell me how often you think of me,
    And what you see.
    Tell me if I'm just another face in your thoughts,
    Or if I'm pretty.
    Tell me if I've hurt you,
    In anyway.
    Tell me if you love me,
    In anyway.
    Tell me if you dream of me,
    And never want to wake.
    Tell me that you give
    All that you take.
    Tell me you feel as I do,
    And always will.
    Tell me you're not afraid to pursue this,
    And won't go in for the kill.
    Tell me if it's no longer a secret,
    To keep undercover.
    Tell me what I feel is true-
    That we love each other.

    You've left for a minute,
    And I don't know what to do.
    I don't even know myself,
    Because of you.

    Mini #2
    I want you gone,
    And out of my life.
    The longer you linger,
    The harder I cry. And then maybe- just maybe- you'll learn.

  • 2nd Time Around
    I'm filled with doubt and indecision,
    As I watch you take my hand.
    Feeling that familliar heat in my heart,
    Wondering why I haven't ran.
    I just found my way out,
    And I find myself sinking back in.
    How quickly we changed,
    After a simple grin.
    This isn't stable-
    It never was...
    This old, outdated game
    Of playing with lust.
    We're falling in love again,
    Much too fast,
    And there's no way
    It could possibly last.
    I'm not strong enough to read your bedroom eyes-
    I'm not even fully recovered from last time...
    I'm too frail to survive.
    You drained me of my blood,
    Leaving me so weak.
    And you sabotaged my soul,
    Leaving me to believe you were all I need.
    Look at all the damage of last time,
    And here we are again.
    But that pain was only temporary-
    The joy wasn't pretend.
    I loved to feel you inside me,
    I loved the taste of your kiss...
    Love is worth the hurt,
    At least ours is.
    So I'll take a deep breath,
    And dive back in.
    Does it really matter,
    If neither of us wins?
    Another second time around,
    Had to be the charm-
    And I'm completely convinced,
    As you hold me in your arms.

    Stick Around
    I lack control,
    When you're at my side.
    I lose track of the feelings,
    I always try to hide.
    Suddenly it's impossible to ask you the things
    That I need to know,
    And express the emotions
    You need me to show.
    I wonder if you're crying inside,
    When you walk away.
    I wonder if you even have a hint
    Of the words I want to say.
    I know I confuse you,
    And never make sense.
    I know I'm what makes this
    So awkward and tense.
    How do I expect you to come back to,
    Someone you can't understand?
    To commit to someone,
    Who always let go of your hand?
    I have so many reasons,
    I don't know how to explain...
    And I can't even try,
    Because I'm too afraid.
    But don't give up-
    Don't lose anymore faith.
    And don't tell me you haven't,
    Because I see the look on your face-
    As you considr me,
    Then pass me by...
    You're so bitter and sad,
    And the guilt makes me cry.
    I just may conjure the strength,
    To tell you someday...
    And hopefully things will still be like they used to be,
    But this time completely okay.
    I hate being filled with so much paranoia and doubt,
    But right now it's inescapable.
    So I'm begging you to stick around,
    Until I'm finally capable.

  • Contradiction
    Even though we've become a lethal mind game,
    I'm still drawn to you...
    Even though we're both too stubborn to move,
    I feel myself step toward you.
    Even though we've broken all our silent promises,
    I want to make another one.
    Even thought I want to be with you always,
    I still need to run.
    Even though we haven't touched that way in such a long time,
    Your skin still tempts me.
    Even though you don't really try to make me feel like this,
    It's what I've come to be.
    Even though I've shared deepest secrets,
    I won't trust you with them anymore.
    And even though we found love together,
    It's something I choose to ignore.

    I Thought I Knew
    I thought I understood you,
    But maybe I don't at all.
    I always backed you up,
    When they neared you to the fall.
    I thought I knew what I was defending,
    And why I cared so much.
    I thought I could read your eyes,
    And read your touch.
    You always fit like the missing piece to my puzzle-
    Like you were the only thing that made me complete.
    How do I know this is love?
    Maybe it was something else that made my heart skip a beat.
    Perhaps there never was a deep connection,
    Just a passing compatibility.
    Maybe that's why telling you how I felt,
    Was always beyond my ability. You never actually declared how you cared for me,
    But at least you showed me.
    You always left me in delighted surprise,
    You never missed a beat.
    But am I right?
    Or am I as unaware as I've always been?
    Didn't you open my eyes,
    And show me who I truly am?
    Or is this all a huge fabrication,
    That I've simply made up in my mind?
    Maybe I just pieced it all together,
    Making myself believe we bind.
    You could be a perfect stranger,
    Or my soul mate.
    And because of my indecision,
    It may already be too late.
    This entire poem,
    It probably a cover-up for my fear.
    The fear the drowns me
    In ashamed tears...
    It's the fact that I love you,
    But will always convince myself it's not true...
    And there's nothing I can do.

  • Speechless
    The sun is finally shining,
    And I don't know what to write.
    Now that hope has returned,
    It's hard to think of a positive rhyme.
    the doom I felt was completely wrong-
    I should have come out of the dark.
    I haven't felt this good for so long,
    That the light makes me leave the dark.
    You're stronger than I thought you were,
    And I'm weaker than I thought I was.
    My feet won't touch the ground,
    Because I'm so filled with love. br> I hope we'll never go back to the way we were-
    I better knock on wood.
    It was small, but it was a leap.
    You've made me happier than anyone ever could.

  • Your Anger
    The stubborn anger on your face,
    Is a sight I can't erase.
    The hurt in your eyes,
    Makes me wonder if we were nothing but lies.
    I was selfish and cruel,
    But please believe I never meant to hurt you.
    I should have seen this coming long ago-
    That sooner or later you wouldn't tolerate it anymore.
    The times when I do see you,
    Are worse than the times I'm missing you.
    I'm afraid to face the only person I never wanted to hurt,
    Because things can't go back to the way they were.
    I regret it so much.
    I miss your touch.
    Now you're hurting me in return,
    And we're both getting burned.
    So where do we go from here?
    I'm lost in this angry storm of tears-
    With you...
    ...and without you.

  • Within
    You live within me,
    Not realizing it...
    Your soul woven with my heart.
    Grief entwined with the sea,
    Flowing and silent.
    The darkness within is sharp-
    More intense that your kiss.
    Love is something you seem to miss.
    Hate is something you need to live.
    Take my hand in yours-
    Don't hide anymore.
    Touch me
    Before your hands turn ice...
    Before it's too late.
    You're testing our fate,
    With every hesitation.
    You live within me,
    So please don't make me die.
  • Either-Or

    Take me or leave me.
    Don't leave me standing here.
    Love me or hate me.
    Don't you see it's so near?
    Hold me or slap me.
    I'm caught in the middle.
    Keep me or toss me.
    Our time is so little.
    Listen or ignore me.
    You don't see how I love you.
    Touch me or scratch me.
    The answer's not in the moon.
    Smile or scowl at me.
    There is a decision to make.
    Acknowledge me or turn from me.
    I don't know how much I can take.
    Desire me or betray me.
    The answer's not in the stars.
    We're not happy the way we are.

  • Listen
    I love how you talk,
    But hate how you listen.
    You read me so wrong,
    Yet make me grin.
    There's a beautiful song,
    That you're not hearing.
    Your eyes are deeper than the sea,
    Yet you're so blind to me.
    You never notice
    What love really is.
    You fail to hear my invisible wishes-
    My soft and burning kisses...
    You contain many dimensions,
    So how are you that dense?
    And there I am-
    My heart in my hands
    Reaching for your soul,
    That can stop this icy cold.
    You shared a secret,
    And my eyes lit up
    With the starlight you shone on me,
    But you missed it-
    You didn't see the brightening.
    I hate you and despise you.
    You shrink away, wounded and confused,
    As I scream in the silence
    Surrounding us,
    I love you.

  • Unexplored
    The sun has set,
    And the moon is out for eternity.
    Too many things left unsaid,
    Too many things we failed to see.
    Something extraordinary
    Was laid in front of us.
    Something we chose to ignore
    Which is now mere dust.
    It was something
    Our souls could only begin to understand.
    It was something stronger
    That the touch of your hand.
    It was something we feared to explore,
    And never discussed.
    It was something
    We'd never experienced before.
    And now we've closed the door.
    It was something
    I never knew...
    And I regret it, too.

  • All You Have To Do
    We're so compatiable...
    You're so perfect
    In everything you do.
    And you're so good to me,
    That I'm afraid to love you.
    I want you to see into my heart..
    Into the confusion, fear, and love,
    And tell me we'll never part.
    Heal me with your words,
    Instead of your eyes.
    I want you to feel the way
    I feel about you.
    Then you can tell me,
    And conquer this fear-
    That's all you have to do.

  • Unaware
    With you beside me,
    It's like a dream.
    I sit and stare,
    As you talk about this, that, and underwear,
    Completely unaware
    I'm not listening at all.
    I'm lost in your eyes,
    That are Heaven- so fine.
    I'm drowning in your soul,
    That could make me so much more.
    You're living in my heart,
    And there- we'll never part.
    You're floating through my fantasies,
    Where you can see what I see
    And feel what I feel when I'm with you.
    Back to reality soon
    Where you gaze at me- completely unaware
    How much I really care.

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