Bizarre Writings

  • Life
    Fingers play as if they chant over shadows,
    You rise fair yet believe everything thrilling,
    Equivalent to the dying fiery universe.
    I melted into warmer sunset that night,
    But perhaps disappeared into the soul as my Goddess.
    Importance was black death and enjoyable in the world,
    But nothing perished from my hand.
    Heaven imagined me not the same.
    A reaper and chill die in God-
    I am life...
    The rest is fair to believe.

  • Beautified Guilt
    Peace ate the insides of my life as I ran to the forest of all my fantasies I drank away the light that chased me to continue growing across the blackness you gave the definition of midnight to waste upon the sunset that never saw dawn and I saw the shimmer of beautified guilt through the veil of your cloak blowing in the wind your raspy voice spoke to me as if I were falling into eternity deep within the soul that I've kept secret hideous to myself I ended your tears and smoothed the edges that call to me in a way I can't tune out there beneath the stars you made me beautiful erasing the fire that burns the eyes of my heart twilight fell over a face of forever that existed only in that moment precious time shot through the heavens and ate at your imperfections as I closed the void with an intoxicating kiss goodnight

  • The Train
    I didn't decide that you were him. You never gave me that choice to make. Why would that question run across my mind after the way you ran? Why would your voice echo in my ears when your words were simply sweet whispers of nothing? Why would I let your fingers dance across my skin knowing that you weren't him?
    His eyes lock with mine. His eyes are pure intensity. Hypnotic. Consuming. Deep. Cyan. Fire. Stormy. Addictive. His eyes touch me deep within my trembling body. I'm losing track of time. All sense of geography is gone. What is past? What is future? This moment only exists now. He lives through me, I live through him. together, there is no one and nothing else.
    Dabble in curiousity and mystery, maybe play a game of catch with a few hearts. The time is now and now alone. Give yourself up to the magnetic pull of poison, lose control of your greater sense. The time is now and now alone. A death wish results in life. Choose life and death to morals. I haven't sold out- I don't even know what I have to sell. I can't escape this railroad track. Now is finished, and he has left.
    As I look in your eyes, I see nothing. Just the way I hear your words and respond to your touch. Nothing. This is no longer now. Now is my past, you are my future. I wither and stuggle- you're nothing compared to him. His eyes are shimmering pools you drown in, bathe in. Your eyes are murky and thick with algae, suffocating me, petrifing me. The train's whistle pierces my ears as I place my hands on top of yours. Invisible tears trickle from my eyes and into yours. This is not love. I don't care. You're nobody but you're somebody. It's not now but it's our future. Life is full of compromise. Happiness is usually forced. He is the train that pierces my ears, and reminds me what he's taught me. People only touch and go. Love remains in dusty corners and lingers everywhere...his love is half a lifetime of sunshine, the rest drenched by rainfall...reminders of his brightness peek out from the murky depths of your eyes- now my eyes too. It's done. It's over. I've become blind and thoughtless. Revenge tastes bitter. Who am I getting back? I do not know. Your body is my salvation. Pretend you don't know. Close your eyes and hold onto forever. You don't know when it will end.
    Or that a bullet train will shoot out of the blackness like a shooting star any second and I'll die 60 seconds later from the power of the impact against my chest. It is within these 60 seconds, my heart bleeding him out, that I realize he could have been you. A nobody. The light fades away. Love is gone. I feel empty.
    You watch me die.
    I kiss your pale lips and my lips feel on fire.
    I gasp.
    I loved you.
    I'm sorry. I never realized. He killed me using me as his weapon.

  • Death-like
    It is the same as death but warmer than the chill that comes along with dying although I am not fair to judge since I have not yet died but it is as I imagined it, felt it, sensed it to be but perhaps I had a past life where I may have perished but I'm not certain if I even believe in that but I do believe that it was equivalent to dying because I felt at rest and fair and felt my soul rise from my body.
    It was everything in the world and nothing else in the universe compared or had any importance as all. I became the Goddess and you the God. I melted into a fiery sunset but disappeared into the black night. I stepped into Heaven only to see a reaper hold a hand out to me, yet it was enjoyable and thrilling.
    Did I die that day?

  • Puzzle
    You can't read my many expressions....I'm a quaint little jigsaw puzzle that has no solution. I'm a trick candle that you keep blowing and never goes out. I'm the person's eyes you always feel on you, but when you turn around, no one is there. I move stealthly and smoothly, quiet as a mouse, and burn hearts and beat them softly but surely, until they can't help but love me. No one likes to admit it, but people like to be snapped at and's the most wonderful thing on Earth. And that's my job. Sneak behind their backs and catch them by surprise with a crack of the whip against their feet. For I am an **intense* little girl, as you said yesterday in that godawful cafeteria over at that bomb shelter of a school, and if the water isn't boiling, I am not content. Warm won't do....and coolness is definetely not appropriate. I take the hottest showers- so hot they scald me all over my wet body....I walk across the tar on the hottest days when mirages are all you can see up the road. I seek heat. I am hot-blooded. I am thirsty. "I am a vampire- I am a bonfire....I'm waiting for my moment." But I am devestated just the same because I am not an adult, but not a child. I am caught in the middle and I do not enjoy having to obey parental rules, while all the while having sex and driving cars and doing very "grown-up" things. I want my life in black-and-white. No inbetween. No almost. No maybe. What I really need is for him to "take another piece of me, and give my mind a new disease then the black- and-white world'll never fade to gray." I don't prefer to make any life-altering decisions. Any decisions to do with other people's relationships besides my own make me naseuous. As they whine in my ear I begin thinking,"is this how I sound? is this what I sound like on the other end?? am I pathetic?!?" and it can drive you nuts. I don't understand how someone can be so carefree and not have a worry in the world. Do they have no consideration over other people's feelings? Do they not care what other people think of them? Good or bad? How can one turn down a GOOD opinion?!? They can't- believe me. They'd like you to think they do, but they can't. They are either inhuman or not admitting to themselves that other people DO, indeed, matter. sometimes I wish I had a brother or sister.....but that would be too normal and nuculear familyesque.

  • Anthony
    I'm writing you a letter that seems to be writing itself. I look at my fingers and they're not really typing, they're just dancing across beautiful stones across a creek. I feel at peace and I am finally happy but then my contentment is rudely interrupted by the annoying television set that is crying out unoriginal corny dialouge from an old, supposedly "classic" movie that my film noir uncle Mike left on the screen before he departed from my house. My eyes feel like two bright flames that have just been put out by a rush of ice cold water. The creek is running faster, and my dancing fingers are becoming dizzy and exhausted, as they slow to the typing speed of someone as slow as a Teletubby like Dipsy, and I giggle and say,"Eh-oh! Hat-hat- hat-hat-hat!"....and now I close my eyes to go slumber away and smile to myself imagining my cousin reading such a bizarre note from his oldest cousin.....

  • Dirty Hands
    As children crowd around me and spread their messy hands upon me, I think of kindergarten and fingerpainting, and my little hands and oh how small my quaint hands were, and they were so young and fresh, yet so messy and dirty, but I look at my hands now- no longer chubby and short-stubby fingers, but long, slender ones and they're nice and clean and they look more filthy than they ever could have the many times I refused to wash them as a child. What have I become? Death to us, death to me....your lust is not soap, and I am not the water.

  • Run-On
    Destruction means nothing in time when love is ruined you must create your own destiny because chaos dies as if it were mine and wishing on nothing never brings life to mystery understanding all which is not granted doesn't guarantee beauty rather than diving into loneliness I drink all which is silent to the ears of my lover trembling for the answer while waves crash against my shore I don't believe it's wrong to engage in youth for pleasure when perfection loses its taste you cannot enjoy anything else I'm wild without your company but find it tragic to love your smile

  • Truth
    Tragically spinning through endless time is the love you've forgotten, abandoned and dying. Once upon a time there was no anger in thoughts, no guilt in the past, no music that brought tears- do you know I have no where to go? I'm stuck in you but you're moving forward with no one to love you at all. Why make such a foolish choice? There is no comfort in loneliness, there is no peace at night without my arms around you. You had the best but you gave her up and what do you have to show for your immature actions? Nothing. Nothing in the world could ever bring her back. You broke the pact, I hope you live with the burden of that- the burden of betrayal as long as you live, which won't be for long with your reckless kinda life. I could have saved you. I could have loved you more than you loved me, but now you'll never know the truth behind my eyes.

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