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Links to Pictures of Friends
Click Pic's for home pages

Is the Internet a playground for the Devil? You make up your own mind, Personally, we don't care. All our club is interested in is the Game. We are devoted to bringing our players the best storylines, and the most entertaining role play sessions on the web. Here on this site you can learn about the People behind the characters. Click their pictures and learn even more about them. Enjoy your visit and remember, its all for fun.

Feb. 04: Well Well Well, looks like I've done it again. Picked another loser!! Its ok though I was over it before we even broke up, you know when you spend more than a month craving to be alone, you are done. In case you didnt know, I was living with this guy Cevin, totally not my type but I figured what the hell, my type hasnt got me anywhere right? So I gave it a shot. Needless to say it didnt work. I will never be happy in a serious relationship. I spend my time dating guys, making them love me, and then making them prove they love me over and over again untill they are worn down. Not only that but I've turned out to be "fickle" (as one guy put it)... go figure. Im just tired of the BS. Im gonna date, get what I want and then send them on their merry way?.. yeah sounds like a plan. Better than spending all my time nailing nails into coffins isnt it? See you then...

Dec 03: School should never be let out for any reason, not holidays, not weekends, not summer break... Matter of fact, all kids should live in dorms and never leave school at all. O.O ...

Till next new email is Here

the link below
is a list of some of our Characters we use to use in Role Play. These pages are constantly changing as our characters develope so be sure and visit often.
(Note: will be back in RP soon.)

You just have to love stick figure deaths.

I think you may be getting a clue about our sence of humor. Matter of fact, we want you to send us all the dirty gorey and odd bits of humor you can find. There will be a submission page comming soon.
Click here for our kinda
some very good links to official Band sites.

I got really tired of the parking lot is full and deleted it.. sorry ... no Im not... I want you to go here instead

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