Wiccan Holidays

These are the main Wiccan holidays, also called Sabbats. We celebrate these diffrent Sabbats diffrent ways.....please, read on...........

Yule aka Winter Solstice: on or about December 22. This is the longest night of the year. The God is reborn from the Goddess.

Imbolc: February 1 or 2. The God is a young boy whom the Goddess nurtures as she recovers from childbirth. This is a time of new beginnings, as Springtime draws nearer.

Ostara aka Spring Equinox: on or about March 21. This is the first true day of spring. The days and nights are equal in length as the young God continues to grow and mature.

Beltane: April 30 or May 1. The land that the Goddess represents is now fertile and lush. The God expresses his love for the Goddess.

Midsummer aka Summer Solstice: on or about June 21. This is the longest day of the year.

Lughnasadh: August 1. The God is middle-aged, and the animals of earth are almost full grown.

Mabon aka Autumn Equinox: on or about September 21. Like Ostara, the days and nights are equal in length once again. Everyone and everything begins to prepare for the long winter ahead. The God knows he is dying.

Samhain: October 31 or November 1. The earth says good-bye temporarily to the the God. The barrier between the world of the dead and the world of the living is thinnest at this time, making it easier to converse with those who passed on before us.This is considered the Wiccan new year.

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