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Teens, and Guns
by Chrissy Music

  If you look at all the school shootings that have happened in recent years, you tend to ask yourself what was wrong in the child´s life. Was if family, friend related or what exactly was it? Why did these kids feel the need to bring a gun to school and shoot friends, students, and teachers? I have a theory about this; even though, it may or may not be right, I will still stand by it.  

  Guns are a very powerful weapon. A Teen or Child who can get hold of this weapon can in turn feel powerful. Take the Colembine Shooting for instance, nothing was wrong with his family life, his grades were always good. So what made him do it?  It could have been the way he was feeling, the depression that so many teens have and can not show to others. Teenagers tend to bottle up their emotions and never let anyone in. When the anger, hurt, and pain gets to be too  much, when that bottle is filled, it breaks and emotions run wild. Rationality doesn't mean anything to them. All those feelings come running at them and not just one at a time, rather all together.  Many people now act like other people's feelings don't matter. Anyone could say something and there would be a fight, or an argument.  Could this be the parents fault? As a teen, I have also learned what this is like. Now don't get me wrong, I don't go shooting down my friends and my teachers,  but often times I feel like no one is listening to me and that hurts me.  If parents, teachers, and friends would just listen without saying a word, without saying things like,"your crazy","You need to go to the mental home"  then maybe, just maybe things like this would not happen. That is why I believe that everyone has a hard time telling or explaining their emotions. If only people would listen, I believe that this world would be a much safer place, for you, me, and our children.

  Why don´t we try to just listen to others, without saying anything, instead of letting them have the feeling that they are worth nothing.  Who knows, it might work out, Maybe there will be no more guns in the schools and we can let our children go to school without worrying about them being shot by a classmate. Don't our children deserve the best we can offer? Isn't a Safer world the best? And all you have to do is listen.

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