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Edge and Christian’s Break-Up

The Edge and Christian break-up has already begun. With both of them wanting to win the King of the Ring tournament, they will stop at nothing to do so. That includes defeating the other. They also look at Matt and Jeff Hardy, and are extremely jealous, simply because both Matt and Jeff Hardy hold singles gold, which is something that has eluded them for quite a long while. They enter the King of the Ring tournament, with Christian facing Jeff Hardy, while Edge faces someone else, like Spike Dudley. During Christian’s match with Jeff Hardy, Edge comes down and tries to interfere, but Matt Hardy is right there in order to prevent the interference, allowing Jeff Hardy to defeat Christian and move on to the next round of the King of the Ring tournament. Christian is really down about the loss, but Edge tries to comfort him by saying a win for him will be just like a win for them both. Christian doesn’t by it, but still goes to the ring with Edge to face Spike Dudley. Spike comes out alone. The match goes on, until the ref goes down. This brings Christian into the ring immediately. Christian and Edge double team Spike, until Spike outsmarts them, and sends Edge out of the ring, leaving just him and Christian. Christian and Spike go at it quite a bit. Edge grabs a chair from the outside, and climbs back into the ring, and goes to hit Spike, but Spike moves out of the way, and Edge ends up knocking the hell out of Christian, which causes Christian to fly out of the ring. Edge can’t believe it. Spike kicks him in the gut, and nails the Dudley Dog on Edge. He covers. The ref is finally up. 1…2…3! Edge can’t believe he lost to Spike. As Spike leaves, Christian starts yelling at Edge for hitting him with the chair. The two get into a yelling match and it goes all the way back into the back, but they don’t come to blows. Edge and Christian continue their disagreements for the next week. Then Edge is booked into a European Title shot against Matt Hardy. Edge says that they need to put their differences aside, and be a team to make sure they get the title away from Matt. Christian says he’ll do it, but when he gets the Lightweight title shot he wants, Edge has to repay the favor. They agree, and go out as a tag team. In the match, with the help of Christian, Edge defeats Matt Hardy for the European Title. On Smackdown, Christian gets his Lightweight title shot, and despite Edge’s help, Jeff Hardy still defeats Christian. Christian can’t believe it, and starts to blame Edge, but Edge defends himself, saying that he tried his best. Christian says fine. They then begin another feud with The Hardyz, not for the Tag Team Titles, but for the European and the Lightweight Title. At Invasion, the four men face each other in a tag team match. The match is good, as always, and there are numerous pinfall attempts. In the end, there is a giant melee. Matt Hardy nails the Twist of Fate on Edge, and then gets nailed by Christian. Jeff Hardy goes to the top rope. Swanton Bomb on Edge. Christian knocks Matt out of the ring, and then saves Edge from the pinfall just in time. Christian and Jeff go at it, but then Edge gets up, and they both nail Jeff to knock him out of the ring. Edge is waiting for one of them to get back up, when suddenly Christian nails him with the Unprettier out of nowhere, and covers him. The ref is slow at first, but then counts…1…2…3! Christian quickly leaves the ring and grabs the European Title, and leaves the ring with it. Edge can’t believe it. Christian celebrates in the back, and Edge finds him and wants to know what the deal is. Christian says that he got carried away, but he doesn’t regret it, because he finally got some more gold. He’ll give him a title shot though. Edge says he’ll do more than that, and just viciously attack Christian. The break-up has now officially happened.