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From Orphan's of Silence by Robert Chauncey



Eclectic aromas of perfume

And fried food

The clattering clunk of wet black trays

Talking to friends, bumping strangers

Receiving tasteless cuisine

For all the troubles spent.





Once Long Ago...


Once long ago within LaGrange

Things came down that were rather strange

Lights lit the dark sky

No one knowing why

Everyone thought they were deranged.


In the fields, strange rings did appear

And everyone thought that was weird

Then all was forgot

And nothing was caught

And all the cows just disappeared.



Semi-Sonnet Nightmare


All through the day

The children shall pray

Singing their rhyme

Waiting for night time


No more time to wait

You had better stay up late

By the children's count to ten

You'll never sleep again


With the coming of night

There is no hope in sight

Glistening fingers from the moon

It shall all be over very soon


The cycle ends by dawn's sky hue

Red blood replaces morning dew





Humanity Diminished


Locked in a cell that's padded

Yet another inmate added

Some always wanting to be dead

Forced to sit and endure Mr. Ed



When I Hear the Learn'd Professor


When I hear the learn'd professor,

When I finally get to meet this man of knowledge,

When the rhymes of reason in his teachings finally

rings a bell

When the constant barrage of questions finally

begin to find answers,

I put my head down to the desk,

Waiting for the lecture just to end,

Finally striding across the board with diploma in


Realizing they were learn'd after all.





Music Swims Back to Me


Music swims back to me

Upstream through the wood

Like the salmon

Tough as journey as any

Relating music to me

Bach, Beethoven, Mozart

All music


But still I don't understand

The winding high notes

Those sounding A's

Symbols on white paper

All unknown to me


But still I listen

Trying to compare

Their music

With my life

Of little despairs.



Flashing Green


Flashing green

Over and over


One line drawn straight

Another curved and misformed

Then two specks

One above the other

Finally two fat circles

Stretched just a bit

The picture complete

And framed

Black box of imagination

Hardly ever the same

With each fed meal

Burton, Cameron, Spielberg

All with a name

Foreign but known

Controlled from a far

But the blinking

That cursed blinking

Those damn numbers


Over and over

Flashing green





Stalker's Song


Darkness falls

As the light fades away

The moon is full in the sky

Dread fills your heart

With nothing you should fear


All those stories you heard

All nothing but tales of fantasy

But still you wonder


Gazing around

Scared as a cat

Waiting for that ax murderer

To leap from the shadows

And chop you to bits

But surely that's not real

It is just in your head


What was that?

A noise behind you

No, just a trick of the mind

That's all

But your mind wanders

Thinking of something overheard

A lunatic

Escaped from the asylum

Was that real

Or just another story?

Still your pace picks up

Just in case


Is that just a shadow?

Or something more sinister

Just ahead behind that tree

Can't take any chances

You cross the street quickly


Another noise comes from behind

More mind games

Or something else completely

The noise repeats

Again and again

What is it?

Footsteps, you think

But cannot be sure

You take no chances


Upping your pace into a run

A sight indeed wearing your heels

You stop for a moment

Catching your breath

You're sure it is gone

Maybe it was all in your head

You even laugh

Just a bit

Then something

Catches your eye

A glistening from the moonlight


I walk up to you

A knife in my hand.