In case it isn't obvious, the main point of this page is for me to get to play around with my mad scripting skills. Yeah. This is my playground of learing. Kiss my butt.
so much to do. NO TIME
Don't take it seriously stupid. This is total self-wanking. I'm not special. I don't have any illusions about the brillancy of this. Now let me alone.
Ahem. Major renovations being undertaken. Just because I can. I'm teaching myself stylesheets... then I have to build some of mine own. Should look great when finished. Not finished yet.
Ok, the more I get into this (yea... I'm pretty far gone already) the more embarassed I am with what I started with. Let me apoligize. When I started it I didn't know shit about shit about any sort of scripting or codeing or whatnot. Well, in the course of building this small extension of my kingdom, I have learned a fuckin lot. At some point, I'll have everything revamped to how I want it. Just know that every page is now entirely written out by my hand, not using the little template they give you. Thank you.