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RAW: Something to Believe in
RAW Site grand Reopening

Now that RAW has more of less got off it's feet again, it's time I can start updating everything on the site. I've updated the NEWS and I got RAW and OOC Board again! So check those things, and be sure to check the Rankings, cause I've updated them and you can see where you place on the list, if you place at all! Go to the OOC board and see leave me a message of what you'd like to see done more with the RAW site.

I'm keeping this space updated with all real Cyberbrawls news. Well The Brawler quit controling Brawls, which is good! Cause now Asai Moonsault runs it. And TheBrawler will still be paying for it, so Brawls is gonna live long and proud. Asai is gonna do some great things as Opporater of Brawls. He is taking over at least in the next week. And so he is actually gonna take time to make Brawls better, and so hopefully that element will make people excited by the new Brawls.

        RAW Story
        RAW OOC Board
        Brawler Bios
        Title Historys
        Latest News
        RAW: Card
        RAW: Results
        FPV: From Hell and Back