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Welcome to my half of the Menagerie!

Mother Nature's Menagerie is a diverse Yahoo! Group where we are exploring all of the World's Legends, Myths, Unexplained, and pretty much anything else we can come up with ;) The group is owned by Mother Nature, and I am a Moderator. We post 'articles' daily on various phenomena, artists, creatures, etc. On Saturdays I do Razzie's Ramblings, on which, the subjects vary greatly.
We take turns doing the daily articles, so you will only find my half of them here. To see all of the articles, please join our group by clicking the link at the bottom of this page or visit Mother Natures half of the site by clicking here.

Table of Contents

Sundays--An Earthly Wonder
~The Earth is full of amazing things if you just take a minute and stop to notice them, from waterfalls, to amazing animals, to places like the Grand Canyon, these are the wonders of our planet.

Mondays--UnEarthly Wonders ~There are somethings that science has yet to explain to us. In a universe this large it is rather hard...and think that we are the only beings, sentient or otherwise, that are in it. Area 51, Roswell, Crop Circles, to a new race of mushroom people discovered living under some mans fingernail in Arkansas. This is where we showcase anything that could have qualified as an 'X-file.' The truth is out there ;)

Tuesdays--A World Religion ~The purpose of this is not to discuss who is wrong and who is right, and the ideas herein may not necessarily reflect the beliefs of the writer and/or the group in whole or in part, but is merely an attempt to learn of the other beliefs throughout our world in hopes of better understanding our own personal spirituality and beliefs...whatever those may be.
Wednesdays--An Artist ~This could be a painter, drawer, dancer, sculptor, graphic designer, singer, musician, etc. Anyone who has touched the world with their creativity and talent.
Thursdays--Ghosts ~Many are Scary and Macabre tales, but not they are not always, sometimes we hear of helpful ghosts or uplifting stories of contact from beings who are no longer a part of this plane of existence...or as Mother Nature likes to put it 'those who have shuffled off of this mortal coil' ;) This topic covers any sitings, hauntings, and storys from 'The Other Side.'
Fridays--Elusive Creatures ~There are many creatures in the world that have not been officially classified into any Kingdom...much less a genus or species. Some of these are Earthly creatures, that to science, live only in the minds of those who have sighted them in the wild. Others are fatastical creatures that came from the imaginations of various writers and cultures. In here we will showcase anything from Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, to Dragons, and Faeries.

Saturdays--Treasures ~In a world dating back as far as ours it is hard NOT to have treasures hidden by ancient cultures and forgotten by time. He we will remember those, and discuss the findings of various treasure hunters and archaeologists. Whether it is gold coins, unfathomable riches, or a wealth or knowledge, these are the hidden treasures of the world.
Razzie's Ramblings--Saturdays ~Yes, Tryp and Raz are the same person ;) If you decide to join our illustrious group then you will find me there under the name razberrybutterfly. The ramblings are articles that I do weekly. They are generally more indepth than the daily articles. The subjects cover a wide variety of topics, some come right off the top of my head and are subjects that I am interested in, others come from discussions in the group. Either way they cover a whole conglomeration of topics...and some are rather long winded ;)

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This site last updated July 14, 2002
All code written from scratch by Tryp
Graphics used on this page are from Kat's Graphics
With the exception of TerraShadow, which is © Ruth Thompson, and is used with permission.
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