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                           Monster or WHat?

                      Greetings my friends, I am your humble an lazy paranormal attractor. I'm here to tell you how I procrastinated these past two weeks or so. I didn't feel like work'in, don't know why, hmmmmm. Well, when I finally got myself the power to get out of the sofa and let go of the remote, I sat myself down again!.......... on my computer chair to check my e-mail. There I found loads of e-mails, mostly useless junk mail, you know damn advertising shi%. However, some of them were from some buds and from readers like you. I recieved some e-mail, and they had some interesting stories about the unexplainable, I'll post em' up a little later. Since I've been neglecting the webpage for so long, I decided to change a little, you know give it a make over. It's not great, but it's a start. Whaddya think? E-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments, or just leave a message on the guestbook, which I added on to the page.

                        Well, on the day I was check my tons of e-mail, I found one that striked my fancy. A reader or a guy who just happen to find this page, sent me this e-mail about some kind of creature in the woods near his house. This is how the e-mail goes(the name will not be revealed and so will the place where this person lives):

                    " Mr. Lung, theres this monster that lives in the forest that is near my house. I've seen it a couple times, it comes out sometimes and roams around. Its been messing around with my garbage. I'm not sure what it is, I haven't gotten a good look at it. I don't know if its a monster or a bear. I would like it if you come to where I live and find out what this thing is. I scared to check it out, maybe you can help me, I live in *******,*******. Please send me a e-mail to let me know if you'll come or not. I'll send you my address then"

End of e-mail.

                     I decided to check out this monster in the woods thing, besides I had nothing else to do in my spare time, life is very fuc%ing boring. Since this e-mail was recieved about a week ago, I sent the guy an e-mail to see if I can still go to his place to check out the creture. The offer was still up, and he sent me his address. I called up Sean and asked him if he was interested in this case, but he was busy with another one of his own. And I thought we were work'in together, what an as%hole, nah, I just didn't want to deal with cases lately. Oh and by the way, don't bother going to Sean's site anymore, which I metioned in one of my entries, he's not puting anything on it, he says it takes up too much of his time (what the real reason is, he doesn't know much about computers, all he knows is surfing the net and getting e-mail). I didn't want to go alone, so I asked somebody whos familiar with what I do, Syd! I called her up and she said she would go with me. So we took a road trip. The place wasn't far, a three hour drive from where I live. When we got there we talked to the the man who sen me the e-mail, lets call him Mr.J. He says that the thing come around at night and rummages through his trash. He says it moves pretty fast, he's never been able to get a good look of it. But he says it's the size of a bear, thats why he's not sure if its a creature or an animal. So we staked out the creature that night. We peered through a window that has a view of where the trash cans are. We started around 12:00 AM, and about 2:45 AM, I fell asleep, but then Syd woke me up because she saw something near the trash. It was kind of a shadowy figure. We couldn't get a shot at, so I went out side to get closer shot. I went out from the back door and crept my way to the front. I got closer and closer and tried to get a closer shot of it. It did have a figure of a bear, but not like a bear at all or was it? Whatever it was, it had a keen sense of hearing, its head turned towards me and it ran away, man was it fast, I was about to chase it when Syd came out and pulled me back. She said it was too dangerous, and when I turned back the thing was gone, I could've gotten a better shot of it, damn! fuc%!, SHI%! Oh well, I guess it was for my own good, the thing could've gotten mad an decided to cruch my bones. The conclusion was that the creature was undetermined. I didn't want to stay overnight again, because I had work to go to, other than this. So the day, we said goodbye and apologized for not finding an answer to Mr.J, but he didn't mind, what a swell guy. What do you guys think, send me an e-mail or sign my guestbook if you have any idea.

Hasta Luego,

               Drake "knows three languages and could've gotten a better picture of that cretaure, if it wasn't for Syd" Lung

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