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My Words To You

I have never portrayed to be a religous person.. I have definatly done my share of wrong.. but I have always believed in the Good Lord and always knew that things were going to come to pass in my lifetime that were great.
With the tragedy that our nation has suffered.. I believe that it is the start of prophesies to come. You can believe or not believe, it is your own choice. I regret to say that I have waited my life to realize that I must do more than sit and wonder what my life is about. I must open my eyes and see my destiny.
All my life I have felt that I had something that God had given me, a gift. I still do not know what is my gift from God.. but as a small child he told me I would be a missionary. I left go of that dream as a child, after being at the age of curiousity.. a teen does not think of themselves as a missionary! I had put this out of my mind.. sadly to say, I guess I was ignoring the Good Lord's insight to my life and what it should have been. I guess I never looked at the thought of being a missionary as a vision, nor did I look at it as an opportunity to do what i was supposed to with my life, which not many people get the insight of what they are to do, and if they do get that notion, they are probably like me and dont realize that it was not jus a random thought... it was your destiny laid before you.
As I lived my life.. I believed.. but did things that I thought would be "ok" in God's eyes.. knowing deep inside that I was wrong.. I jus existed.
I would say that for the most part in my life I have been a compassionate person.. I have always felt bad for less fortunate people and ones that get the raw end of the deal. I believe now that God granted me compassion, like the good Son Christ had, for a reason.. I jus never used it to the extent that I should have.
I have never felt that I had belonged in this world.. maybe because I was surrounding myself with the people that God had not intended me to be around. Maybe that was my first hint that I was going the wrong way.
If I seem that I have gone off the deep end.. this is not so.. I have never felt that I have a clearer mind than I have since this horrible thing has happened. I have been plagued with nightmares and horrid feelings that something was going to go wrong, something very bad. I assumed that this applied in my own life and I have spent the last good year being upset because I am the only one on this Earth that thought that I should be cherishing these moments. I have been feeling like we should have the best times that we can for now.. that things in the future will be hard. And with the strength and the love that we have with each other, we will go far! I know I must sound like a freak right now.. but like I said a lot of things that have tormented me for a long time, have became clearer.
I am not saying that I am a saint.. I am far from it. I just feel the need that I have to tell people what I feel and know.. and they can decide for themselves.. what path they want to go on. I am choosing the harder path of the two.. cuz in the end I shall be rewarded.
I cannot ignore my calling anymore. It has been shouted into my face. I want nothing more than for you to feel the comfort that I have been given through this.. I will say I have been a wreck just the same as you.. but I have found an inner peace. Embrace it my friends... in the end it will be all you have.. and all you need!
If we want to get through this.. it is time to take action and decide what Higher Power we will stand behind. If you look deep inside of your souls, they will tell you that what I am saying is true.. and that you and I all need to stand together and not be knocked down.
I have been depressed these last few weeks. I felt as thought it was because I was so lonely, although I have many friends online and I have a wonderful family. I still felt as though something was missing, and even though I knew in my heart what it was, like I said, I ignored it. I did not realize that all along I was not alone.. I was pushing my Lord away. He is always with you my friends, and even though sometimes Satan makes it seem like He doesnt care, we have to fight the hold that Satan has put on this Earth. Satan has quite a hold on the world... as it doesnt take a scientist to see all the evil and hatred in the world. We must resist that evil. Our souls are better than that!
One of the reasons I pushed aside my destiny to be a missionary that witnesses to other countries was the fact that I was not in the lifestyle to be traveling nor did I have the training. I never allowed myself to be set up in my true calling to life. I see now that that is not so far fetched.....
Ya see my friends.. when I first got Webtv.. just a month before that I was the biggest anti internet person on this Earth! I wanted nothing to do with the evilness that went on in the cyber world. Then all of the sudden... I had this undeniable urge to have the internet.. so I got the Webtv.. and since have met all kinds of ppl in the world. The Good Lord has blessed me with the ability to use puters and figure things out well.. I never knew that it would be what the Lord has planned for me! Now I can see better, I am going to be a missionary for the world.. in a different sense than I thought. I do not know exactly what this has in store for me, certainly I probably sound like i have gone crazy! Truely from the bottom of my heart, God has told me these things about myself are true.
I am not going to ramble on anymore.. these feelings are so deep within me that I cannot ignore them anymore. My friends... choose your path.. and choose it wisely! The time to wait is not here. No man that is not worthy will enter Heaven. The Lord says we should pray each day that He will find us worthy on the day of Rapture. Being saved and baptized is not enough my friends. Lets all be worthy! I love you all! xoxooxoxoxo

Please feel free to share my testimony with your friends and family. May God give you peace in your hearts and ease the pains and terrors of all the victims of the Terrorism laid upon us Sept. 11, 2001, and also to their families!
God Bless!!!


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