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§mile¿ :)

You have been warned. LOL...

This page is dedicated too those special people in my life. And most of all, my beautiful, cute and special girlfriend, Tyne.

The current date is:

My current mood:
The current mood of at

Page Content

My Journal
People I Have Thought of While Masturbating!!!
About Myself
Things That Piss Me Off - Updated Sunday, August 12, 2:00pm
Pictures of Me and Stuff
Photo Gallery - 1 - April 6th
Photo Gallery - 2 - April 13th
Photo Gallery - 3 - April 20th
Photo Gallery - 4 - April 27th
Photo Gallery - 5 - May 25th
Other Pictures
Black & White Photos of Me


The Psychonauts Void - My older brothers web page
Jin the Wicked - A very interesting person who also happens to be my brothers girlfriend. She's a great artist, so check out her work!
Slashdot - News for nerds, stuff that matters
LiveJournal - Online journals for free!
Gamespy Industries - The best news on PC and console gaming
Sheldon Williams Collegiate - My high school
The Regina Lions Band - A community band organization in our city.
Penny Arcade - Some good funny stuff here for gamers and the like
IGN - Best news site around.
The Dirty Cossack - Jon Leugner's personal webpage.

This page is Copyright 2001 - Lukas Miller