Canonical List of Things That Piss Me Off
Originally conceived by my brother Psychonaut.
Wagner - The Ride of the Valkyries
WARNING: Do not take this page completely serious and offending, half of these things are barely true, and are just meant for humour. So don't come criticizing me because I hate you for so-and-so reason. You have been warned!
The List
- Bad-parented children
- Rich children
- Children with an obsession
- People who ride their bikes/skateboards/rollerblades/etc all over the road when I'm driving
- Student drivers
- Student drivers driving in front of me
- Student drivers driving behind me
- Giddy little teenage girls whom flirt endlessly
- ...with me
- People who think I'm a bank
- People who think I'm a free buffet
- People who think I'm public transit
- People that make assumtions about me before they even know me (Oh, he's a nerd, stays on the computer all day)
- Hypocrites
- People who criticize hypocrites
- Yelling without reason
- Yelling with reason
- Yelling
- People my age, that don't act their age
- Irresponsible teens that whine lots.
- People that are 'never wrong'
- People that 'know everything'
- People that claim they know more about something then you do, even though this thing is your job/hobby
- People that cry to get attention
- Gossip
- False gossip
- Make-up
- Girls whome I've never seen not wearing make-up
- Girls who think they're ugly, whine to me about it, then I tell them I think they are beautiful, and they still comlain. (Sorry, this probably hurts a lot of you. It doesn't actually piss me off, but it's funny, okay?)
- Men in make-up
- Guys who don't treat their girlfriends like they were worth the Universe.
- Guys who treat their girlfriends likes sluts, unless they are. That would make the guys players then...
- Men obsessed with sex, and nothing else
- Men obsessed with beer, and nothing else
- Men obsessed with beer, sex, and nothing else
- Ignorance
- Towards me and my friends
- Someone saying they'll call you back soon, but end up calling back in a few hours
- Someone saying they'll call you back soon, but end up not
- Someone saying to call back, but when you call, nobody is home for several hours
- Going shopping with mom
- People who pretend to like someone else you like
- Dis-honesty, distrust
- Teens with too much time on their hands
- Adults with too much time on their hands
- Boredom
- Economics these days
- People who use very strange slang
- All dressed up and nowhere to go
- Having plans for the day, but having them ruined by chores/parents
- Chatting with people on computer, and then the internet going haywire, or the computer crashing. Then they think you left because you didn't like what they were talking about
- Computers for crashing for no reasons
- Having to upgrade computers ever year in order for them to still be good
- Aspargus
- Brussel Sprouts
- Bean salad
- Eating out, and having to eat Brussel Sprouts, Aspargus and Bean Salad to show manners
- People who don't show manners
- People whom don't know how to properly dine
- The 80's
- Having to live with the fact I was born in the 80s
- The early 90s
- The late 70s
- Any year within 12 years of 1985
- People who still think technology is useless
- Reality shows on TV (Survivor, Big Brother)
- Wrestling
- Sitcoms
- Cartoons
- Realization that out of thousands of TV programs, the ones worth watching a mainly boring and educational. News, sports, weather, law shows, Jeopardy, among others
- The acceleration rate of the Mazda Miata is worse than that of my Topaz
- People with big cars that never carpool
- People that use chat speak, ignoring proper grammer and spelling. Example: "Hi, how r u? Im good tday." I don't mind the good old "LOL" or "ROFL" or "j/k" though
- People that use excessive exclamation marks!!!!!!! in chatrooms and forums
- People that think that they'll get more attention if they TYPE IN CAPSLOCKS in forums and chatrooms
- Horney little 12 year old boys in chat rooms
- Chatrooms
- Spam
- People that think they know almost everything about music
- People that think they know almost everything about anything
- Braggers
- When you tell someone to do something, but you have to tell them over and over again untill they actually do it. Or do it right
- The fact you can't type emotion, so when you're trying to talk to someone on MSN, they may think you are yelling at them
- People that take the term |33t haXor too seriously
- Lending CD's out to people, only to get them back scratched
- Sensitive teeth
- Barney the Purple Dinasaur, and all his little children on that show with their fake smiles
- People who try to smile too often. Why not just smile? It shouldn't take trying
- Predictable tv shows, books, and movies
- People who don't accept typos
- People that think comedian actors should get Oscars. Like Jim Carey
- The word "it"
- The word "squirrel" (It took me about 3 days to get the spelling of it right)
- McDonalds commercials
- When people tell me what I do and don't like
- It's Hammertime
- The word "thesaurus" (It's sounds like a friggen name for a Dinosaur)
- Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia
- "As seen on TV!"
- Kids who pronounce "no" like "no-ah", which, is much like my brother's name: Noah
- Accidently cutting someone off on the phone
- Whenever people say anything like Time, Rhyme or other words, because they sound like Tyne, and it always gets my attention.
- Call waiting
- When my parents try to give me advise on my relationship
- And scare my girlfriend in the process
- Friends that "don't feel" like doing anything, but end up going out with other friends later in the night
- People who get too far ahead of themselves in life
- Teens who think they have a good idea in their mind (usually for a job), and want to get started on it right away, but they don't realize what's needed in order to achieve it, including a University Education, and equipment
- Getting stupid songs stuck in your head
- And trying not to hum or whistle them as to not piss other people off
- Other people with stupid songs stuck in their head, and they keep humming or whistling it
- People who drink to get things off their mind
- People who won't give me a ride even though it's on the way to where they're going
- People who push the buttons on the phone when you're talking to them, trying to play a song like Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
- Homophobics/Antihomosexuals
- Sheldon School "Band"
- People who don't take "no" for an answer
- Self-Help books that don't
- When my parent(s) buy/buys me self-help books in times when they think I need them
- "Friends" that say they are more important to me than another friend
- Parents that seem to think they know more about my own social life than I do
- (Most) rap music
- The depressing music in The Sims
- Sitting around all day, doing nothing, and realizing you've wasted over 12 hours of your life doing nothing
- Rainy days when you don't feel like doing a thing at all
- Not feeling like doing anything, but everyone else feeling preppy and happy
- That feeling when everyone leaves your house from a get-together
- Cleaning up after friends coming to my get-togethers :P
- Having parents yelling at me/each other when friends are over
- ...When girlfriend is over
- Having my parents reapetedly go up and down the stairs from the basement to the upstairs when I have friends over
- Having my parents reapetedly go up and down the stairs from the basement to the upstairs when I have my girlfriend over
- Having parents make me do chores when I have friends over
- Going down to get a drink from the mini-fridge to find that it's empty
- Friends going down the get a drink from the mini-fridge, discovering that it's empty, and telling me to fill it up
- And then having to refill it
- Going all the way from the basement, up the stairs, through the halls, into the kitchen, opening the fridge door, and forgetting what the hell you're doing there
- And having to walk back through the halls, down the stairs, into the basement, and remembering what you wanted
- Leaving my computer for the night, walking up the stairs, then hearing the "User online" sound from MSN or ICQ, and going back to check to see if it's anyone important
- Over and over again
- Having to answer the phone even though it's not for me
- People that snore
- Sharing rooms with people that snore
- Sharing beds with people that snore
- The fact that I snore
- Every time that I think I run out of "Things that piss me off", I always come back with more
- Bad breath
- Having bad breath
- Being told I have bad breath
- Being told I have bad breath while kissing
- Priorities
- Prioritizing priorities
- Drinks so cold that they hurt your teeth
- Over-iced soft drinks
- Watered down Mountain Dew
- Watered down Coke/Pepsi
- Watered down soda
- Watered down anything
- Watered down water
- Big Bird
- Not knowing what time "The Muppets" is on
- Having to be somewhere when "The Muppets" are on
- Not wanting to call someone because you're afriad they might be eating/busy
- "When I was your age..."
- "If so-and-so walked off a cliff, would you too?"
- My parent's saying they are going out in the evening so I can have the house to myself. I get all prepared, and then they change their minds
- And people still coming over expecting them to be gone
- And my parents not expecting people
- And inviting their friends
- Waking up early on holidays and not being able to get back to sleep
- Being woken up by the phone (Unless it's my girlfriend)
- Being woken up by the alarm
- Being woken up
- Sleeping through your alarm
- Not sleeping through your alarm, but being to sleepy to turn the damn thing off
- Running out of paper at school
- Having a messy binder
- Pens running out of ink
- On a test
- On a final
- Calculators running out of juice
- On a test/final
- People who seem to think flashlights are meant to illuminate my face for their pleasure
- With a MAG light
- Bat-nuts (Don't ask)
- Walking around a corner and seeing yourself in a mirror
- Waking up in the morning and having your arm fall asleep
- The mystery of "Morning Wood"
- And not realizing it after you've gotten out of bed
- And running into your friend/parent
- Getting sacked
- Hard
- By your girlfriend
- People that pick their nose
- In public
- Beside me
- And put it somewhere where it doesn't belong
- The DJ on CBC Radio 2
- Those Orbits drinks
- Laughing up pop through your nose
- Onto other unsuspecting people
- People that quote from TV shows almost all the time
- And when you don't get it, they insult your for not watching the show
- People that constantly ask me about personal things within my relationship
- People that constantly tell me about personal things within their relationship
- Having my girlfriend be grounded by her parents for no reason
- And spending that time sulking, doing nothing and generally being lazy
- The fact that my best stress reliever (computer games), is shunned by my parents
- Which causes more stress
- The media blaming violent video games for school shootings/real-world violence
- Parents blaming violent video games for school shootings/real-world violence
- When the actual cause is bad parents
- The fact I enjoy playing violent video games, and people think I'm going to be a savage serial killer
- Having to repeat myself for people who can't seem to listen
- Having to repeat a joke for people who don't get it
- Chapped lips
- Lip chap
- Depressing songs
- Depressing songs that don't end
- The song that never ends
- Songs that start out really crappy, and you have to wait through 4 minutes of crap to hear the good part once
- School
- Homework
- People who like school
- Dropouts
- Druggies
- Alcoholics
- Sexaholics