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    Here's another good one from my buddy, Daisuke on 12/20/00

    Is it that you fall in love with those who can hurt you? or they can hurt you because you fell in love with them?

    Well, it seems I have been the love doctor and patient lately... I think definately that the answer to the questions is that they can hurt you because you fell in love with them. I know from experience that when you start liking someone you take there words for every ounce of salt (that's just a fancy phrase meaning you look into things to much.) So sometimes they don't even mean to hurt you. Either that or you fall in love with a total "burro" (I'm trying to make this a PG rated site *smirks*) Girl's often have a habit of falling in love with the worst person possible for them. Luckily I'm not one of them.. most of the times. Anyway you want to be admired and loved by your special someone so it's sooo much easier to get hurt. Also you feel almost weak when you express your love for someone or feel that love for them it's like they can see right throw your hard shell to your soft underbelly. It's hard to elaborate on this subject because as I was once told "You speak logic. Love knows no logic." This is sooo true...

    "Why do you hurt the ones you love? Well, it goes both ways." - Fight Club
