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    Here's a question from my 1000th hit, Atif on 1/25/01

    If p is a number.. and n is another number that is not equal to p. And someone prooved that 0 = 1 therefor prooving that every number is every other number, is p = n * p true???

    Actually I thought this one out and at first thought it was jibberish but now that look at it. The answer is yes it is equal. If any real number is equal to any other (1=0) and p * q would have to equal a real number. So p = p * q. Easy huh? Actually it was...

    "HAH! You try to stump the great Sheila? HAH! I laugh at you! :P" - The Great Sheila a.k.a. Sheila the egostistical.
