This another question from my friend Hawke, on 11/7/00, election day!
    Why do so many people want to vote for George W.?
    Well, personally I can't stand George W. I can't really speak for those who do like him. But personally I find him to be a dunder head. I watched all the debates and the general feeling I got was that he just won't be a good president. But I don't know anough of the facts to really debate on it but what from I do know I'm leaning towards Gore.
    As for Nader I don't really know anything about him really. It kind of makes me sick that this is supposed to be a country where the people choose. But the electoral college does it. Why don't they trust the people with this important vote? But I guess I wouldn't either since there are whole other parties like the Green Party most people have no idea about because they weren't represented in the debates. Why the heck weren't they? Just because Nader didn't have anough money? We're limiting our choices to people with the money and that is not right. I'm sure there alot of people out there who might of voted for Nader if they had gotten some information on him. Let's face it most of America isn't going to go searching for information on the candidates. Instead they are going to watch what is given to us and that's the debates.
    Actually today I went to and I orchestrated a vote exchange between my mom and brother (both Nader supporters) and 2 Gore supporters that are in states that Bush will defiently win. It would of been usless for my family to vote for nader and for the others people to vote for Gore. So instead since my family lives in a swing state we voted for Gore and in exchange the other 2 people voted for Nader so that in hopes nader will get his 5% and his party will be federally funded in the next election. I hope you got that.
   Your probably thinking, Sheila you forgot to mention Buchanan! Trust me I didn't...
    NOW GO OUT THERE AND VOTE PEOPLE! Godspeed and Good riddance!