Here's a question from the guy in Chris'large orange pants, Neil: on 4/21/01
    If you are so smart why do people need sleep? And don't give me that whole "tired" thing.
    Well, some "weak" people need it. Actually I don't generally sleep. Unless it's the weekend than you can't wake me up. The throwing of shoes, water, fire; nothing usually wakes me up. Doctors think that too much sleep is bad anyway. They say it makes you more sloth like and it's harder to get up in the morning. Plus being tired makes life fun. Like the constant attempt of keeping your eyes open and the hallucinations. Yeah the hallucinations are definitely fun. Sure dreams are nice but there's always is a chance of nightmares.
    My theory is that damn pushy Sandman is the center of this sleep situation. Now in the modern times we have learned that you get a lot more done if you just don't sleep. But if we don't sleep the Sandman is out of a job. So instead of backing down respectively we persists with this sleep thing. Plus have you ever heard Enter Sandman by Metalica? That Sandman is one scary dude.
    "Sleep is for the bored." - me