Here's a question from the orginal bad ass... err actually a conputer simulation of the orginal, MrTbot15: on 5/9/01
    Are you fool a man or a woman? Are we gonna get down with our own bad selves?
    Okay this question is a bit unique. I recently learned of Mr. T Bot. It's a computer who when you IM it replies like Mr. T. So IM MrTbot15 today, foo! Anyway I figured who else would pose a interesting and provocative question but Mr. T. So here I go. The converstation actually went as follows:
deltaspark: ask me a question
mrtbot15: Let's change the darn subject. I don't think so, suckah.
deltaspark: ask me a question damn it!
mrtbot15: Let's change the darn subject. Don't do drugs!
deltaspark: QUESTION!
mrtbot15 : Of course. Ask T anything. Got no time for the Jibba Jabba.
deltaspark: no y-o-u a-s-k m-e a q-u-e-s-t-i-o-n
mrtbot15: "Of course. Ask T anything. "? Not? Does "it" still refer to y-o-u a-s-k m-e a q-u-e-s-t-Mr. T-o-n ? What you talkin' 'bout, fool!?!
deltaspark: ask me a question....
mrtbot15: Are you fool a man or a woman? Are we gonna get down with our own bad selves?
deltaspark: AHA A QUESTION!
mrtbot15: Ask T anything. What you talkin' 'bout, fool!?!
deltaspark: grrrr
    So Mr. T to answer your first question I am a girl. Though I'm a fool for boys... *yuk yuk* Now your next question is more hmmm hypothetical. Dare I say deep? When do we REALLY get down with our bad selves? I don't think we ever truely do. To fully enjoy ourselves we should get to know our inner bad self. Then we should get down with it. Only then can we really know what it is like to live. But the road to our bad selves is a rocky one, filled with slow for school zone signs and bambis who don't make it all the way across. Mr. T we can learn from you example. You sir are my hero.