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    Here's a question from a kid who's too "cool" to update his page, Willie: on 6/8/01

    Why does Mr. T like milk so much?

    Well, I would ask Mr. T myself but alas he blocked me... *sniff*. So I am left to speculate. Well, the first theory is that he derives his massive strength from milk. This is common with a lot of people. Like for Popeye it was spinache. And for Bush oil. As for me it's popsicles. Popsicles are yummy... Also it is also rumored to Mr. T really likes oreos. It's not really understood why the superstar has an affinity for these tasty treats. When questioned about it he said, "Waz you talking about foo?" Very tricky Mr. T. Or maybe it's that Mr. T needs a lot of calcium to supplement his spine. Those gold chains are really heavy. I don't know if we will ever really know. Such is the mystery of Mr.T

    "Go to milk, Don't do school, and Drink your drugs." - A Mr. T blooper (though it makes you ponder what really was on his mind... probably oreos.)
