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    Here's a question from lavayeens: on 6/13/01

    What is the purpose of school? we were discussing this in English class. Our teacher said it was "re-conditioning camp" like they have in communist countries.

    Hmmm... interesting take on things. I guess in a way it is a reconditioning camp. It gives you neccesary knowledge to utilize during life... or to sound really smart when you are watching Jeopardy. Though really that is full of crap. If we really only learned what we needed and nothing else frivelous school would be about 4 years instead of 13 (counting kindergarden.) I mean, I really don't remember much before highschool. I really have no idea what I learned other than the obvious tools like reading and writing. Anyway if school is a reconditioning camp it's more socially than mentally at points. It teaches you how to become a healthy functioning adult by forming relationships and learning responsibilities. Like most highschool students I am only there for the oppisite sex and friends. I really feel school is important in this aspect. Now I'm gonna say something tenderly since some home school students read my page... But honestly I think home schooling messes you up (not all home school students are but alot are.) Sure there are study groups and everything but it is not the real school experience. You know the one where you get up early, have to compete with others, have bad teachers, and do your homework before class real quick or you else fail. That's the stuff that teaches you lessons. It gets you active and social. Academically home school may be better but what's the use if you are socially inept. Not saying highschool makes you a social butterfly but it atleast tempers the waters. Highschool isn't real but it's more real then home schooling. I wouldn't wish homeschooling on my worst enemies.

    I don't know I love school, for the people and the experiences good and bad. Not saying I want to go every day but it truely is a worthy experience. I wouldn't mind being a professional student. Anyway I have other views on homeschooling but I'll spare you all and wrap this answer up in a neat little package. School may or may not seem like a good thing while you're in it but you'll appreciate it later on. School basically is a crash course for life.

    "A self-taught man usually has a poor teacher and a worse student."
