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Moon Beam Comics
posted: 2/20/01 "Spring Day" - I came up with this short little ditty in Government (you should see the other whacked out things me and my other friends make up.) As you notice I'm not going for detail. Or neatness for a matter of fact.
posted: 2/20/01 "Yummy in My Tummy" - This one is basically a sequel to "Spring Day." In this comic you get to see my wonderful mouse drawing skills.
posted: 4/29/01 "Standerdized Testing" - Mildly violent... in an exploding head kind of way.
posted: 4/29/01 "Pants" - Umm... yeah I suck at drawing with the mouse.
posted: 5/23/01 "World Wide Pants" - Pants may be a reoccurring theme in Moon Beam. This one was actually inspired by George W.
posted: 6/5/01 "Kenneth Star Goes Krazy" - This is a pretty good one I guess. It came to me when my Social Stuides teacher was talking about embassadors.
posted: 10/24/02 "Those crazy folks at FOX are at it again!" - I like the moustache... *giggles*
posted: 1/29/03 "Dr Slappy is Bonefied American! ... for the good of the viewing audience..." - Moustache McGee is back... you people really should read these in order to get the feel! *shakes fist* But incase you wondered McGee is that smudge in the second panel speaking. I must say I put way too much effort into this... See the gray/crappiness/fancy writing makes it look old timey! Get it now? Okay I admit.. this is stupid but it was borne one odd history class morning.. funny how I have a habit of producing these in that type of class.. and that type only through the years. And when I say funny I mean pathetic...
posted: 1/22/04 "PSssT! I hear its the French!" - Probably one of the only comics not produced in a history class of some sort... AHA! I beat the system! I now can be stupid... any.time.I.want. Ohhhhh.. Yeaahhhh.... *nods slowly with eat-shit grin* So yeah, its supposed to be a poster full of oletimey beautiful satire. Thanks Aaron for the help of brainstorming of this comic genius. I still think we should of called it the Grey tide though.. colors are funny! I'm eating peanuts.
posted: 3/22/06 "The War at Home" - The "Spring Day" series is back with a 3rd installment in colored revengous! Is revengous a word?

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