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    Author's Note: Okay well I wrote this poem for a friend's boyfriend. Yes, I am a poet for hire. ;P Basically she couldn't write a poem to express her feelings so she comissioned me to. (No money was exchanged of course though) When I read this poem to my mom she couldn't stop laughing. She said it was becuase it was sooo sappy. But then again what about love isn't sappy? Anyway I didn't write this poem from true feelings but fabricated ones. I think it still turned out okay though.

All of You


You come to me amongst my dreams
And appear as sudden beauty
What a site to behold
What a sight to love

Your eyes the purest emerald
A beacon in the mist
Guide me through the rough seas
Excite me when they calm

Hands to hold
Large and warm
They cradle me when I wake
And carry me too sleep

And when the nightmares wake me
Your ears hear my cry
Gentle, sensitive they know my laugh and seek it
But also hear me in my worst and love me for it even more

Your lips speak my tongue
Your ruby beauties whisper in my ear
And tickle my heart
Only to stand at attention to listen to mine

I've counted every freckle
Traced every line in my mind
But that doesn’t really matter
For I love you for all of you
