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    cra·zy (kr³“z) adj. cra·zi·er, cra·zi·est. 1. Affected with madness; insane.

    It seems everyone thinks they are crazy and weird. News flash people you’re not weird if you’re status quo! *grumbles* Okay maybe it’s late. Maybe I’m just grumpy. But it seems to me that everyone uses weird as one of his or her descriptors. Not saying I’m weird so I’m offended, I’m just me, I don’t try to be anything. But when I see popular girls giggle in sharp shrieks and make stupid jokes I don’t think weird or crazy I think ditzy.

    Also another thing girls wear nonprescription thick black glasses to look cool and “intelligent”. Isn’t that an oxymoron of some kind? Anyway recently I got a pair of thick black glasses. Not because it’s cool but because they look the best on me compared to the other glasses. Several times no kidding I was asked if they were real. SEVERAL times. I was offended people really thought I was that shallow. I almost freaked out on one girl that asked me. I guess me saying this is shallowness in another form but I DO not want people to think of me or group me into the same category as those kind of people that wear fake glasses. Because I know what I think when I walk down the halls and see the fake glass wearers and it defiantly isn’t, WOW I want to hang out with her! Is it such a crime that I want people to get to know me before they like me? Or at least I don’t want people not to get to know me because of stupid stereotypes.

    “It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds” - Aesop
