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    Note: This is a script for a play that the OM team I was on used. We all wrote it and I think it turned out wonderfully so I wanted to share it. It is an interpretation of Dracula. We used a quote from the book said by Renfield as the title and theme. The first part and last is spoken by Dracula's shadow and the middle by vampiresses. But I guess it could be easily said just by the shadow. Anyway we did this story Kabuki style and it turned out awesomely. Enjoy.

Blood is the Life


“The blood is the life”
It pulses through this story’s veins
A story so old the source is forgotten
And an ending yet it does not contain

Vampir, Loogaroo, Nosfartu
Many of these names feared over time
And you too might know the tale of Dracula
Tonight we depict it through story and rhyme

The plot is twisted and black
The protagonist his own enemy
His inward will forever struggling
Caught in a battle eternally

With dark penetrating eyes
Skin white as plaster
His body is his curse
And his lust his master

As he hides from the sun he preys on the weak
Pierces their soul with fangs like the sharpest knife
And their blood becomes one
For “The blood is the life”

Poor little lady fast sleep
Seeks refuge in her dreams
But she knows not that he stalks
And the comforting night is not what is seems

Ebony silhouette against lonely moon
Child of the night; the dark is his hunting ground
The shadows grow threatening with every chant
Tonight she will find their destinies are bound

He calls to her through her night visions
She longs to let go but she must resist
He beckons to her from beyond the mist
She fights to keep sanity for she must persist

Deep in their nocturnal struggle
Her soul is weakening; her blood is becoming thin
He thirsts for her life
She’s beginning to give in

"The blood is the life"

“The blood is the life”
And he is mine
I trace his moves
Witnessing these horrific crimes

Different faces
But all the same fate
For his thirst transcends centuries
For no one it will wait

He’ll haunt this earth forever
And take many a vampiric wife
His tortured soul knows no true rest
For “The blood is the life”
